Isn’t everyone’s subconscious from Philly?
Isn’t everyone’s subconscious from Philly?
I had the style, I had the ambition
Read all the authors, I knew the right slogans
This was the early to mid 2000s. I honestly don’t remember the specifics. But I do remember the emails coming from somewhere in Eastern Europe, so it may have been some crap system on their end that treated each reply as a unique conversation. Which could be why our Exchange server kept replying.
Life goes by so fast
I’m old enough to have experienced an Exchange server being brought to it’s knees due to two out of office replies fighting back and forth with each other.
And I thought I was a hardened criminal for sticking a bunch of beets in the mayor’s fridge.
He seemed nice until he blew up my basement
I’m curious about that. I know I shared this story before on Lemmy, but don’t remember saying it on Reddit.
That would be awesome, but her accent is not that strong. She grew up in the suburb.
One of the favorite stories is about the first time I took my wife to England. She majored in British literature in college and is the type of person who reads Shakespeare for fun, and can even read and speaks middle English. I worked and traveled to England a few times a year and had lived there in my early 20s, before we met.
For our fifth anniversary I took her to England. It was her first time ever leaving the US. In fact the first time she left the southern US.
We’re standing at the curb at Gatwick waiting for a cab and there are two guys behind us talking. My wife leans over and whispers, “what language are they speaking?”
I just started laughing, and explained they were speaking English, they are just Scottish. All that book learning and studying of the language couldn’t prepare her for the Scottish accent.
Mike Ness of Social Distortion said to expect their next album in 1-2 years, in January 2011. 13 years later I’m still waiting.
I grew up in Texas and moved to England. I remember my first weekend there looking at a map thinking of going to visit Cambridge. It was a couple of inches away on the map and I thought, should be an hour maybe an hour and half drive. Imagine my surprise when I arrived in Cambridge in 20 minutes. I forgot to take into consideration scale.
Yes it was a paper map, I know I’m old.
It doesn’t appear to be there anymore, but I remember reading Dave Grohl’s wikipedia page and there was a controversy section and it just talked about the DUI he got on a scooter.
Don’t forget the Homeless Jesus statues that take up and entire bench so no one can sleep on them.
Must change every 90 days
It has been 6 years since NIST told companies to stop doing this. And I’d be willing to bet there are more companies still mandating this than ones that don’t.
Hey listen to this EVP I got from the cheap ass recording device that I was waving around like a mad man. Nevermind the fact that the professional boom mic didn’t pick anything up.
Y’all are just jealous because we’re not afraid of fractions
I’m sweating right now because I’m still waiting on one last 1099