Nah, they funny
Nah, they funny
I too cried like that at first.
You’re really throwing out every dishonest rhetorical tactic in the book. Reading this exchange is disgusting.
To be fair, there are a lot of “XYZ” problems on Stack Overflow where someone’s missing the point with the problem they’re trying to solve.
“I need my script to delete my file, but I can’t figure out the pathing so I delete random files until the correct one is gone. However, it’s slow – how do I speed my script up when deleting random files?”
But then you’d be missing out on the greats, like Party Cannon
In case anyone else was wondering what got OP’s knickers in a knot:
Yeah, has a kinda of special place in the fediverse. Tolerance of intolerance is how civility dies, no wonder people are eager to space away from that instance.
Interesting that Squidward is only happy as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Luckily my boss does, bless him. If I ever leave the company, his attitude is one of the things I’ll miss the most.
Oh god, I feel this in my soul. I feel so fortunate that most people only see the running average of my work output and not a live feed of what I’m actually spending my time doing.
What was that saying park rangers had about people not understanding the handle on bear-proof trash cans?
I think it was roughly “there’s significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans”.
Maybe it’s the random 2?
Christ, let me use my favorite app in peace instead of going “tsk tsk” and whinging about it when no one’s stopping you from using other apps.
There actually are a couple phones out with this already, though they’re mostly Chinese builds. E.g., this one has a screen that wraps around the back: