Thank you! I’ve been trying to get an app to stay open. I thought I was losing my mind. Just set it to allow notifications. Your a legend. I could not find that info elsewhere online.
Their christ, may still be alive as it’s meant to celebrate his birth. But isn’t whoville all based within a snowflake or something? Like did crist appear in every snowflake? Or are there infinite christs?
207.23 for me. Not enabled
Did aliens also invent doors and ladders? What about my shed? Damn, they must be among us.
I tried anytype and moved to logseq because in anytype I couldn’t reorder blocks.
Oh man, he actually followed through. I should have been preparing for 3 days already.
Dipping fries in vanilla milkshake is amazing.
Just a heads up, they released the watch and buds internationally yesterday. They are mostly selling on Amazon and Ali express now I read from an email I got. Here’s the list if you’re still interested
You guys are wearing socks?!
Imagine if they put a fraction of that money into…I donno…actually making their search algorithmically competitive.
They weren’t. Source: time traveler from the future
Id look into this If memory serves it’s like $60
Ah thanks. It’s more fucked up than I thought…which is sad as hell. And from my ‘not paying attention’ understanding, Western governments are supporting this shit? Something something US sending aid to Israel? Something something France not allowing pro Palestine riots? That’s when I tuned out, because I thought I must have really not understood the situation. But if that stuff is also true, shit is stomach curdlingly bleak.
Not gonna lie. The last point got me. I just filter out gaza, Israel and Palestine now. There is no way for me to get non biased info about the history of the issue online.
Oh ha. Cool. That tracks! Thanks.
There is a future funk artist called moeshop. I always thought it was a weird name. Now I wonder if ‘moe’ is some slang that im unaware of.
What is ‘moe’ supposed to mean?
About 15 billion USD per year