For me there’s a significant volume difference between 7-8. 7 is too soft and 8 is too loud. The difference between those two also sounds greater than 6-7, like it’s missing a step or something and is doing two at once.
For me there’s a significant volume difference between 7-8. 7 is too soft and 8 is too loud. The difference between those two also sounds greater than 6-7, like it’s missing a step or something and is doing two at once.
Yep. My 2025 resolution is to be as uninformed as I can possibly be. My mental health can’t handle it and I stress out and obsess over things that I can’t fix.
15 years of being informed did fuck all for me. I’ll go vote when it’s time (where I will do a minimum of research on my vote), but otherwise my goal is to entirely ignore all politics and political figures for at least the entire year, but hopefully longer than that.
If there ever comes a time where I can actually make a difference, I’m sure it’ll be obvious and widely spread. All the outrage, pointless and ineffective protests and ‘awareness’ campaigns were utterly worthless. The last 10 times I called my local rep they laughed at me for being from the opposite party and told me to go pound sand.
I do not have the capacity, competency or mindset to run for politics myself, so as far as I’m concerned there’s nothing of value added by being informed and involved.
It’s never that I think they aren’t evil enough, I just don’t trust conspiracies that require too much competency. I think most of them are too dumb and uncoordinated to pull off most of the conspiracies I hear about.
Poor people get murdered all the time. It’s not what they said, it’s that they chose to say something at all.
Getting into space properly would give us at least a lot of breathing room on that whole ‘infinite growth’ paradigm.
Humanity is definitely fucking up with our starter resources and early base building strategy.
My ‘memories’ are random art asset files from a mod I downloaded.
See this game documentary for more details: Cricket through the ages
See the trick is to work with computers, not people. People are what fuck everything up. Especially if it’s customers and not coworkers.
Isn’t audible the monopoly on audiobooks? And I thought you can get podcasts from tons of places.
How does an aromantic even get to the point of being pressured into a marriage (at least in a society without arranged marriage)? Why are they dating in the first place? Am I misunderstanding how that works?
I don’t actively use it, but I don’t see the point in deleting my account? My HOA is only on a Facebook group, so it’s the only place I can go to check for updates on some stuff (typically trash day getting moved, neighborhood pool stuff, etc). That’s the only use. My understanding is that Facebook tracks me even without an account so doesn’t really seem like I’m gaining anything other than good feelings by deleting my account.
It’s not like I’ve gone out of my way to delete my old Myspace or xanga accounts either, I just stop using them.
Let’s see:
Everyone either has kids now or travels too much or just isn’t interested in playing anymore. It’s sad those days are probably forever over for me now. Maybe once we’re all in nursing homes there will be a resurgence in lan parties, instead of bingo for our generation.
Rather than discouraging people not to invest, I think the larger concern is the further entrenchment of a three class system.
You’ll have your capitalists, those that own the assets and robots and land. Then you’ll have some amount of humanity lucky enough to get one of the jobs not automated. Finally you’ll have those existing purely on UBI.
The economy will shift towards catering almost exclusively to the first two groups and anyone on UBI will be seen as a useless parasite. There won’t be any efforts to price goods and services for this group beyond the bare minimum because they have very little buying power and zero earning power.
I think we’ve seen time and time again that the rich are more than happy owning a small pie rather than putting in the work to build something bigger, even if that would result in larger profits long term. It’s going to be easier to just shrink the economy to those that still have jobs than it will be to make everyone have more equitable buying power.
UBI will probably happen and probably get paid, because it will help prevent revolts and unrest, but that is a cost center to the rich. You minimize cost centers as much as possible. It’s a subscription they pay to the masses to reduce risk and that’s it.
UBI will probably come, but much like AI, we’re probably not going to be happy with what and how it’s used. It won’t be to enable an artist to pursue their passion, it’ll be just enough to keep you quiet and docile, no more.
Cause ours started from militia hunting down slaves
I’ve honestly been really surprised that this was the only ‘real’ assassination attempt in recent memory. I was surprised that no one went after Obama, nor Trump after him and Biden after him. The rage was so high, yet it’s only now that anyone from either side makes a real attempt.
I have a Scarlett solo, guess that might be a DAC. Little box for sound connections.
I bought a mid range Sennheiser and dedicated amp for my PC because the one on my motherboard was buzzing. My favorite part about it is: no batteries to die on me, the open back design is more comfortable and the amp has a convenient volume knob. The sound quality is fine? It’s not shitty which is just about the only thing I can tell.
For like 99% of people arguing that ‘voting is useless’ they are also not working towards any other method of improving society. Either by working towards unions, or effective means of protest or even violent revolution. They’re just opting out and doing nothing of value while feeling smug about being ‘above’ such petty squabbles.
If you are the 1% actually doing something of value that isn’t voting. Congrats, I guess? But I think I’m far more likely to convince someone to vote, which is at least somewhat helpful than I am to convince them to join a revolution.
AI cannibalization maybe?
Same. They also don’t allow password managers and I have multiple systems that don’t use my main password, so I have at least 5-6 work passwords for different systems.
Nobody can remember all that.
So everyone makes the simplest password they can (since it has to be regularly typed in) and writes it down somewhere so they don’t forget it.