The US is full of SUVs because of CAFE law. SUVs are trucks and thus have lower mpg requirements. Look at what’s sold in the US. Almost all cars are tiny and grossly underpowered if more than 1 adult is in it. So our choices are a truck, SUV, or minivan.
I grind my own pepper too, but #16 aka coarse ground is much larger pieces of ground pepper. #16 is the die size. You technically could grind it coarse yourself, but you’d have to sift it and only keep the bigger pieces. Here’s an example: Amazon Brand - Happy Belly Black Pepper, Coarse Ground, 18 Oz But you should be able to find it at any big grocery store. I get it at Costco. It’s great for rubs and spicing up stuff just a bit. I think it’s the oil that remains in the course pieces as opposed to the smaller grind that allows the oil tooxidize quickly, which mutes the heat in the oil. I learned about it when I got into smoking meat. It’s used to crust a smoked brisket.
How many of those were gang members under 18?
The channel viewership is 99.999% overweight to obese older white women. This is functionally their porn.
I recently discovered #16 black pepper. It truly can make things spicey. But table ground? Ha!
I know someone allergic to capsaicin. I’ve seen him eat the mildest salsa and turn red. He also sweats to black pepper. Maybe your father has a similar allergy.
Ha ha. Clearly the avg lemmy user is inexperienced or business ignorant. The site does lean heavy Marxist, which says plenty of their reasoning skills. I was thinking the same thing as you and you’re getting skewered for it. Hedge funds are not looking for a 20+ year ROI, which is what it took Bezos. That’s the simplest answer I can think of, but I’m sure there’s plenty more reasons they didn’t think young Bezos’ idea was worth throwing millions at.
Truly it’s not though. Their bread is trash and American cheese is American cheese. And I guarantee they do not use real butter.
Indiana Jones List Ark movie has stories from the Bible / Torah.
Like from yapping? Shut up and watch the movie.
Phew… I was hoping I wasn’t the only person with like 17 of these.
NY is trying to pass a law requiring a firearm background check to purchase a printer.
Nope! I know a guy who’s last name is super close to spaceman, so I always call him Space Man. Tracey is hilarious!
You’re probably eating like 10x+ the sugar you should. Most people do. But yeah, processed sugar is crazy bad for you.
So what you’re telling me is you and no one you know ever plans for an event more than a week and a half in the future? No wonder you can’t see how dumb this shit is.
It’s a little known fact that Newton was pooping under that apple tree when the apple fell on his head.
Add statins to your list. After taking statins for 10 years, statistically, you can expect to live 1 day longer. But until death, you’re likely to experience crippling side effects.
The emergency services personnel really are a lot more attractive, which is important when I need emergency services!