That’s right. If the debts take up all the money, then there is nothing left to inherit. And if there isn’t enough money to pay all the debts, then the debtors go away unsatisfied. In no case do the heirs have any responsibility for the debts.
I should emphasize that this is in countries governed by English common law: the UK, Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, etc. I have no idea if it is true in countries following the Napoleonic Code, or anywhere else.
Debts are discharged before heirs receive their inheritance.
A couple of years ago, Canada required all carriers to cell unlocked phones, or allow them to be unlocked for free. Nothing bad has happened because of that. Our cell phone plans are still too expensive, and the companies are wildly profitable.
We just had this discussion at my office. Our newsletter editor is using an Adobe subscription. Even for a nonprofit, the price is going up to $650/year.
The problem is that she has been using Adobe products since the mid 1980s. So to switch, she would have to relearn alternatives to Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, and a couple of other things that she has been using for more than 30 years.
We would have to inventory all the features she uses, and then make sure that whatever replacements she uses have the same capabilities. It just doesn’t seem to be worth the time and frustration.
It would be even more impressive if he used the correct “swum”.
Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar who could drink you under the table.
I think that fine documentary, “The Core”, explained how to deal with this issue.
Rocksmith is kind of a follow-up. Except you use real guitars, and you can only have two of them. Choose between lead, rhythm, and bass.
Try to find Rocksmith Remastered, though, and not the new subscription-based Rocksmith+.
Tracing the career of The Beatles in Beatles Rock Rand was absolutely amazing.
I am a big fan of MyNoise, which mixes real-life recorded sounds, but you have a ridiculous amount of control over almost everything.
It’s browser-based, so compatible with any device. Once it has downloaded the sounds, it doesn’t use any more bandwidth.
Definitely worth supporting with a donation.
Even going back to the first few seasons, there were an awful lot of misses, and very few hits.
We used to laugh about the killer bees, John Belushi’s Samurai, the coneheads, Dan Aykroyd saying, “Jane you ignorant slut!” on every Weekend Update, but when I look at them now, I’m not sure if the humor was there or just going along with the peer pressure.
On the other hand, I look at the old SCTV shows, and most of the sketches hold up very well.