Dimetro-don’t talk to me
Dimetro-don’t talk to me
Hell yeah. Couldn’t have said it better myself 🤙
It’s a temporary wall to protect the road from construction on the other side. Some sort of electrical infrastructure stuff where they gotta dig a big hole.
It was actually taken down today, after being up for over a year. I guess they’re finishing up.
It seems that the court was not going to accept this argument, but Disney has dropped it and are going with the court case instead of arbitration.
It’ll likely be settled out of court.
It’s a shame that the name “Isis” has been ruined. Such a pretty name and a cool Ancient Egyptian goddess too.
Americans be like: “34 degrees? Better put on a jacket.”
I hope this gets good coverage in China. LGBT Rights in China (Wikipedia)
That’s all urban legend. The real reason no one stays in for more than half an hour is that the lab is busy and they need their anechoic chamber. Not for some rando to just hang out inside of.
This will anger
World’s coldest take
No i don’t think so
It appears to be a photo of a cat stuck on top of his regular license. Easy to peel off and check.
Is this that “Gender Euphonium” that all those transfolk are trying to get?
I’d love to see what people also bought with the Scarlet version
Mustaches go above the mouth.
He got an evil goatee
Correction, NASA only uses metric. Lockheed Martin was contracted for some systems and that’s where the unit conversion problems came from.
Still partially NASA’s fault for not checking / enforcing units.
$20 a year is an unreasonable subscription model?