Okay then, that was always allowed.
Okay then, that was always allowed.
Ugh, my son loves these too. Another product/company to boycott!
Order the Crunchwrap with shredded cheese instead of nacho cheese. Their nacho cheese is gross.
I’m talking of modern day peasants, you know, the 99%. If it’s a “luxury”, then why pray tell is it served everywhere and dominates the ingredient list of most processed food? A loaf of bread is cheap, but meats, fruits, vegetables are through the roof.
It was a nice stop gap as things progressed, but now it’s a handicap.
Bread made feeding people cheap. That isn’t civilization; that’s dominator culture. It’s slavery with extra steps. You’ve all been eating peasant food. Break the cycle.
I’m waiting for the asteroid. I’m sure there’s one with our name on it.
Simple thoughts for the simple-minded, hmm?
Psionics (a la Legion/David Haller), Divine Powers (more Legion reality-warping fun), Immorality (until the Heat Death of the Universe). I’ve got a lot I want to do, starting with planetary reform and cultivation of the species.
This is the first repost I’ve ever seen on Lemmy. Neat.
It was literally posted yesterday.
I am plagued by the concepts of plans.
And one naturally says the reason why we are in such a mess is not simply that we have wrong systems for doing things—whether they be technological, political, or religious—but we have the wrong people. The systems may be alright, but they are in the wrong hands, because we are all in various ways self-seeking, lacking in wisdom, lacking in courage, afraid of death, afraid of pain, unwilling really to cooperate with others, unwilling to be open to others.
—Alan Watts, Mind Over Mind
Ignorance is not a solution. I can ignore cars while walking across the street, but it’s probably a bad idea since I might get hit. This motherfucker is going to affect the future of the planet, so all hands on deck, red alert, pay attention. The man is a criminal, he should be in prison, not running a country. I want him feeling like he’s under a microscope with the whole world watching.
Cats are bred like this too, such as the Scottish Fold. They have a genetic mutation that causes problems with bone and cartilage growth, as well as kidney problems. Some countries have already banned their breeding, and it is in my opinion they should do the same for certain dog breeds. They’re not cute if they’re suffering.
Hallmark Channel: But wait! There’s more!
The thing I think that a lot of people forget is that you don’t have to wait until Christmas/Yule to do it. Imagine if everyone treated each other like it was Christmas every day of the year. Just, you know, without all the depressing nostalgia music and needing to spend money willy-nilly. What an idea!
I love how they are mansplaining and gaslighting a war president. Room temperature IQ.