
  • 6 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2020


  • loool is the right winger in the room with us now?

    Classic cop-out. Not a right winger and not living in America.

    I have actually experienced the “free” healthcare, unlike your pipedream. And if the American government works so beautifully as it does then I know if they ever tried it the system would be the most glorious disaster ever seen.

    Take it from me, you’re better off leaving the US of A then ever seeing a good-working system.

  • I am also a libertarian socialist and anarchist, but many people confuse it for American libertarianism, which at one time was good, but is now co-opted by QAnon incels and ostracized conservatives. People here will confuse the two and will downvote you hard out of pure ignorance, simply because the word “libertarian” that they’ve seen other misinformed people wrongly lump into the same boat as “bad” or “nazi” and think you’re in the same category.