it’s an American style wok, suitable for stove top burners that are gas, resistive electric, or inductive electric.
Traditional woks would sit upon a ring over a gas or otherwise fire burner, which typical american homes do not have.
I am Glitch Daracova, the breachforged cyberdragon, an immortal god to which age has no meaning. Fear me and despair. If you’re lost, consult my lore (hyperlink missing). My pronouns are Maj/Majs—short for ‘majestic,’ regal and divine, as in “Maj rules majs kingdom.”
it’s an American style wok, suitable for stove top burners that are gas, resistive electric, or inductive electric.
Traditional woks would sit upon a ring over a gas or otherwise fire burner, which typical american homes do not have.
I’ve tried newpipe, but it won’t work if my phone is connected to wifi, no idea why.
if you think texas is bad, try oklahoma. There’s a reason it’s considered the buckle of the bible belt.
in my (limited) experience, catholics tend to be less shitty than protestants, with the whole ‘prove your faith with deeds’ thing.
except i usually get ads for a thing that’s both more expensive and worse for my use case than the one I bought.
I’m sure that’s better, but my way is doable for normies (my friends) and the extremely lazy (myself).
yeah, the best time to advertise at me about a thing is while I’m researching thing to buy.
Advertising at me after I bought the thing is useless, I already bought it!
anytime “here” is not defined, it’s the us. Hope this helps!
some vpns are scams, yes, but that happens in every industry. Ignoring illegal shit, my Internet speeds are faster when I use a vpn vs not, and that’s reason enough to have one.
also also, firefox on android supports extensions. never go anywhere without ublock origin and sponsorblock.
I’ll just repeat what I’ve said before, since this seems like a good spot for this conversation.
I’m an idiot with no marketable skills. I want to write, I want to draw, I want to do a lot of things, but I’m bad at all of them. gpt like ai sounds like a good way for someone like me to get my vision out of my brain and into the real world.
My current project is a wiki of lore for a fictional setting, for a series of books that I will never actually write. My ideal workflow involves me explaining a subject as best I can to the ai (an alien technology or a kingdom’s political landscape, or drama between gods, or whatever), telling the ai to ask me questions about the subject at hand to make me write more stuff, repeat a few times, then have the ai summarize the conversation back to me. I can then refer to that summary as I write an article on the subject. Or, me being lazy, I can just copy-pasta the summary and that’s the article.
As an aside, I really like chatgpt 4o for lore exploration, but I’d prefer to run an ai on my own hardware. Sadly, I do not understand github and my brain glazes over every time I look at that damn site.
It is way too easy for me to just let the ai do the work for me. I’ve noticed that when I try to write something without ai help, it’s worse now than it was a few years ago. generative ai is a useful tool, but it should be part of a larger workflow, it should not be the entire workflow.
If I was wealthy, I could just hire or commission some artists and writers to do the things. From my point of view, it’s the same as having the ai do the things, except it’s slower and real humans benefit from it. I’m not wealthy though, hell, I struggle to pay rent.
The technology is great, the business surrounding it is horrible. I’m not sure what my point is.
nice. wish I could have participated.
eh, my meme needs work, but it was funny to me.
any sufficiently advanced shilling is indistinguishable from advertising.
furry 196?
furry 196!
holy shit that hilarious
I’m begining to see the use of ai similarly to my alcohol problems. It’s way too easy to rely on it too much. I never was a good author, but I can tell that the quality of what I can write on my own has degraded since I started using ai.
“Excerpts from a book I’ll never write”