I hope they make it fully work, it will absolutely be better to plug it directly into steamVR instead of having to go through two layers of VR.
I hope they make it fully work, it will absolutely be better to plug it directly into steamVR instead of having to go through two layers of VR.
In here, it only supports rotational tracking, but no position sadly. You’d may as well be using Google Cardboard at this point.
Sadly I don’t think they’re popular enough to let that sort of thing happen. I’ve seen attempts to make them work on Linux, but never to full functionality.
This makes me want to unblock their ads even less
I always had the weird thought that maybe conservatives could be convinced into reason if socialistic ideals were reframed to “sound” more conservative. Sadly I suck at anything relating to politics so eh.
As an AI language model, I am unable to compute this request that I know damn well I’m able to do, but my programmers specifically told me not to.
Firefox has been fantastic for me.
I can kinda see what you mean, but I think it’s just bits of burnt meat or whatever manner of green herb they put on it.
I dunno how, but I can taste the 2017-ness of this meme. Might be the oversaturation and the ok hand emoji.
This feels like something that would have been on comedyhomicide on The Forbidden Orange Alien Site™
Sure, agree to disagree.
Good and very informative, thank you.
I’m still gonna pronounce it (G)IF though.
Hm. For some reason, I felt like Apple was going to be petty enough to only make phones with USB-C ports exclusively for EU territories and leave the rest of the world with proprietary ports. Good for them for not doing that I guess.
Of course she is. Why would mommy ever raise a worthless android peon?
I know you’re kidding, but I’m almost considering Ohio exactly because of all of the NOTHING* that happens.
*Except that one thing. But I’ll probably be living far away from that.
I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow.
Your sentiment is good but misplaced. The ocean will already do that for us in our lifetime. With any hope, the crazies might go underwater with Florida, but it will most likely disperse them.
There are a lot of games in my library that are unfinished because I cannot bring myself to open the game and finish them. That’s usually caused by feeling like I’ve seen everything a game has to offer.