My $300 Brother laser printer that does everything works just fine because it wasn’t designed to be a money-siphoning piece of shit.
My $300 Brother laser printer that does everything works just fine because it wasn’t designed to be a money-siphoning piece of shit.
Family plan split three ways comes out to about $7 a person per month, if I’m remembering right.
To be honest, Google is poor enough these days that I just use Bing for the Microsoft Rewards points.
So it’s useless if I go on a road trip?
Depends on what the public wants. Apple kills backwards compatibility every couple of decades and they have an even more minute gaming presence than Linux does. Like, , their most popular title, even as a company deathly afraid of the Windows monopoly.
You could make arguments for consoles and such, but that doesn’t solve the problem of Macs being particularly costly.
I don’t understand how people hang out in these places. It just doesn’t seem like a system conducive to discussion. The forum/link aggregator format works much better imo
I actually use Bing so that I get Microsoft Rewards points, meaning I gain money by not using Google.
But I understand privacy homies going DuckDuckGo or something else.
I mean, not really. They had it working out great for years.
Then they killed the API.
It’s an eight year old smartwatch. I feel like most of the target audience already has a newer model.
Minecraft croissant
Minecraft croissant
No they can’t. We all found out during the Quest 2 era that their elite straps are fragile and prone to snapping. 100% of the advice in the community is to buy third-party.
Because Chrome just stopped working on my PC one day like a decade ago.
Mine definitely weren’t when I graduated in 2016. Towards the end there, I legit spent most of the day just sitting in the band hall with a handful of 360 controllers playing games (mostly Duck Game) on my laptop with friends and passersby. Virtual classes, concurrent college classes, and a travel hour pretty much gave me free reign to fuck around most of the week because I wasn’t required to be in class except on specific days for those classes. Never got physically bullied, even had a middle-school verbal bully apologize to me. I saw plenty of people come out as LGBT comfortably, I saw football players compliment the marching band, it really wasn’t that bad unless you were one of those people who got into fights, stole shit, and tried to sell drugs.
I have no doubt that schools can be hellholes, but I wouldn’t say it’s a given.
I have useless managers at work that like to try and bend the rules, and it gets hella on their nerves when I just outright ignore or argue with them because I know they’re wrong and that they can’t justify firing me. I recommend anyone else in that position humble those “above” them when possible.
It’s wild, actually. I got away with saying “this is why no one likes you” to one because they were the instigator after I’d annoyed them enough. Like they went to the next level up in management over it and got told they were the one in trouble lmfao
I still go for a Monster every now and then when I’m feeling spicy, but I cut back on my energy drinks when I was trying to write something at work and was struggling because I was shaking from a Rockstar Energy drink. That shit tastes like poison and the only reason I had so many that I was drinking them regularly was Halo Infinite cosmetics.
They’re a fun “sip this to keep from passing out once in a while” sort of drink but energy drinks are absolutely terrible.
This is the U.S., we quite literally can’t uphold values to save our lives. Hollywood studios aren’t going to pause shit.
Rule of cool, run up the stairs and shoot
It’s also the name of the best feature of the 3DS. What the fuck, Nintendo? Why don’t we have it on the Switch?
First problem is getting the people talking to their children to care about privacy. I’m a grown-ass adult and it’s hardly at the top of my priorities, regularly using Google services with Bing as my search engine to get me Microsoft Rewards points I can blow on games.
It’s going to be even tougher for a kid whose friends are all on TikTok and who has no money (and would probably be delighted to learn about services that pay miniscule amounts for data, like the Amazon and Google Play ones in addition to the Microsoft one).
Great way to lose all of the traffic. This would require two things:
Additionally, this would mean reddit is acknowledging the porn on their site and taking responsibility for it by profiting off of it. Therefore, because reddit is an American company, this will kill off their audience in Texas and Oklahoma where, effectively, American-hosted porn websites are banned.