Let’s be honest, sadly there is none.
Let’s be honest, sadly there is none.
I’m not sure if that is a sustainable model for the whole society. Pirating as a solution for everything feels like giving up to me. Also I can’t pirate my vacuum cleaner.
What you say is true and I can understand it is frustrating. But I really don’t know how to convince people. Convenience is king and you need to have strong political opinions to abstain. I am a nerd, but still I often need double the time to find the “alternative” way of owning things.
I recently wanted to get the Harry Potter audio books for listening on my phone. I basically had two “official” options:
You can clearly see that in reality, the industry gives you only one option - audible. For 235€ you can have 2 years of e-book subscriptions.
Maybe you would say “hey, 235€ may seem expensive but in exchange you will get to own the stuff you pay for!”. The thing is: you can get the whole audiobook collection on mp3-CD for just 70€ on Amazon?
In the end I bough an external CD-ROM drive and bought the mp3-CD box used for 40€.
It’s not about that stupid Audiobook or whether the price is justified. The point I want to make is that the industry makes is so hard for individuals to own things, that I almost see this as a lost battle. The way I chose, took almost 2 weeks, days of research, a frustrated lemmy post, two online orders and 2 hours time to copy the mp3s.
And the thing is, it’s the same for everything else - you want to buy a vacuum cleaner? Oh better look if it comes with special cleaner bags for 30€ per bag. Let’s not talk about printers.
Every little item needs so much research, only for the aspects of planned obsolescence and true ownership. We do not even talk about social or environmental aspects…
How the fuck should I expect others to spend so much time on energy on consumption things? Honestly, sometimes I am a bit envious of the people that just do not care. But only sometimes.
Sorry, that somehow developed into a rant
Since AA is Erdogans propaganda channel, that may have been justified.
You need to learn a skill that leads to a living wage. Demanding politicians to directly do that
This is a perfect example of traditional neoliberal rhetoric, attributing success solely to individual effort and downplaying structural obstacles. It operates under the assumption that everyone has equal opportunities for success, which is simply not the case. This ideology perpetuates the existence of a low-wage sector for those who may not have had access to the same educational opportunities, such as migrants, single parents, and others facing systemic barriers. The American Dream, often touted as a symbol of success through hard work, is a myth perpetuated by neoliberalism. It is important not to buy into the narrative that one’s circumstances are solely their own fault. Statistics show that social mobility is much lower in the US compared to many European countries, which further disproves the idea that hard work alone guarantees success.
I would add that the worst aspect about Tiktok is that it mainly targets children
It’s pretty relatable. A lot of apps like to use their own folders, like my lemmy app.
If I download files from my banking app they get saved to root (sdcard), most others save to my Download folder. Then there is DCIM where I have photos, but Telegram does not care, for Signal I have to export each file to the file system seperately.
The worst thing though is that the files in Downloads/ are ordered A-Z by default. No idea if this is a LineageOS thing, but it drives me crazy.
Apple says that marketplace developers will need to pay the €0.50 Core Technology Fee for each first annual installation of their marketplace app
lol you really can’t make that up
I guess it’s a good sign for lemmys user growth when trolls like these appear lol. For our health it may be worse
Honest question, does London have intercity trains or busses? I mean 2 million sounds like a number for this public transport thingy people sometimes talk about
Yeah that won’t work because you know, kids are fucking stupid
Michael Dow, a linguist at the Université de Montréal, wrote an article analyzing different uses of the suffix, such as the merging of “Margaret Thatcher” with “-ussy” to create the portmanteau Thatchussy.
Ok Michael
I guess CIA found that out
It defenitely needs improvement. But I think it’s not too bad, sometimes your data is complex and is not easy to make one single overview figure, especially if spatial data is involved. The figure caption probably makes it clearer…
I guess the std dots were selected because error bars would mess the figure up entirely, as there are many data points. The map is probably used to link the color to the dots, but I mean we have a tool called “legend” for that. If that’s the case, what are the colored dots on the map? And yeah, the X-Axis lacks a unit.
The longer I looo the more difficult it gets, and I would expect more quality by a Nature peer review…
That’s cool but a pretty difficult way to regularly update the fog…
I think they can, but not for the conditions they used to be. And UK was immensly privileged as EU member.
As someone who rents an appartment, I do not have a sense for heating and what I can afford. I simply get the bills one year later
I didn’t know either, but it seems to be an often picked ‘random’ number by people. Here is an article about it, I didn’t read it though.