Unless I’m reading it incorrectly, the devs changed tact and this was already fixed 2 weeks ago
Unless I’m reading it incorrectly, the devs changed tact and this was already fixed 2 weeks ago
You’re asking them to set up and maintain another platform for you to … Checks notes… use their FOSS project? Not contribute to development, just…use? That does not seem worth their time. Certainly sounds demanding to step into a project and tell them to do things differently otherwise you won’t honour them with your presence
You’re not “locked out”. You choose to exclude yourself by placing such a high value on privacy. Privacy for what here? For some near-public announcement threads and support channel chats that anyone else in the channel could screenshot or download or post online anyway? That is your choice but framing it as the project developers locking you out is strange.
Really good insight. The timing is too coincidental
Can’t say that anyone saw this coming
You’re missing the point. They are blocking the security patches themselves. “Google has a policy to…” is invalid when a nation state, especially not one with one of the strongest intelligence gathering apparatus in the world, has a law telling them what to do.
Google already works with the intelligence agencies. It would be naive to assume otherwise
A completely random person anonymously putting the information out online is not the person releasing the security patch. That’s probably why they are focusing of the updates themselves. Easier to hold someone responsible
Police knocking on your door stop you. This is clearly an attempt to protect their own backdoors from being patched so they can continue eavesdropping
In the block, the first word should be TODO
Then when you click off it, it adds a checkbox at the start
Everything is already a bullet list, that’s the logseq design, so if you also want numbering then use the command key /
and search for numbering
Hope that helps!
I would argue that it is as close as you can get to WYSIWYG without being it. Logseq works with blocks, which in most cases are only a line or two long. Every block on the page, except the one you’re actively clicked on /working on are WYSIWYG.
There’s no rendering etc, you just click off the block and you see it
Logseq is very very similar to obsidian but is FOSS.
Supports checkboxes
No no no but not like that
Maybe logseq?
Can you link to where template can be bought, what the template is used on, and what software is needed to host it? Otherwise this comment is not very helpful…
I think it’s lead based fruit drink pouches for children nowadays actually
Also, the ideology I agree with but I swear these “memes” are made by the deranged. It’s the kind of handwritten scrawl you expect to see taped to lampposts by the guy who wanders around with empty tincans cellotaped to his patchwork hat
Spotify has a setting to enable high quality audio
With a bottle of rum
It’s the American way
Why spend money fixing a problem when you can spend 5x money responding to it with violence
At this point we need to assume they’re Russian shills and the queer-friendly stuff is a ruse to have a fallback to always claim the moral high-ground
websites that serve users in the EU need to allow you to decline cookies, not just tell you about the fact they use them. this website is actually breaking EU privacy law, it’s definitely not what a European user would consider protective