For anybody not getting this, there was a 4.5 earthquake in NJ today. Earthquakes strong enough to notice are pretty rare in NJ.
For anybody not getting this, there was a 4.5 earthquake in NJ today. Earthquakes strong enough to notice are pretty rare in NJ.
Maybe he believed it, maybe not.
My take is that Bush was trying to sell the WMD bullshit so hard he wouldn’t be above telling allies that he could make flying monkeys shoot out of his ass if he thought that it would get him any support for his war to enrich defense contractors.
The electric requirements would stop you from putting it in your backyard.
The motor is 3 Phase around 150A. Residential areas are generally not wired to be able to offer 3P power to customers. You would likely need to rent some commercial space to be able to get the electric hookup.
If the meth head Carnies can figure it out, it can’t be that hard to work on.
The test is negative. Sorry honey, you’re not pregnant. You’re just fat.
I’m jealous. We haven’t had an actual computer store around here since Compusa went under decades ago.
For commodity online services, you are lucky that people even give you their email address. The number of people who provide anything more is extremely low. OP is freaking out that they are emailing. If they called him on the phone, he would lose his shit.
The terms of service explicitly state that any communications and legal notices about the services will be delivered via the email address that must be verified at sign up. It is not unreasonable to ask customers to provide a valid way to send them service related messages.
Google isn’t going to call you or send you old-school paper mail when they discontinue a service. Even if they did, 99% of people would think that it was a scam.
All that being said, we will always scream test things like EOL of a service just to catch anyone who missed the communications.
Snickers - With all of these other problems, you’ll barely notice the diabetes.
Not sarcastic. I work for a provider, and we warn people of service changes a bunch of times over a period of months.
Despite this, you will still get a bunch of people complaining that they were never told, we surprised them with it at the last minute, etc.
A change that deletes customer data brings in legal as well. If one of these people tries to sue for losing their data you want to be able to show that you provided plenty of notice and warning.
Companies will often “scream test” a data loss change. Meaning you turn it off, but don’t really delete right away to see who screams that their data is gone. Anyone screaming gets some short time period to recover the data.
We have a lot of reinforced concrete coastal fortifications built during WWII that have been destroyed due to storms. The storms wash away the land around them, the foundation collapses, and the structure breaks.
Any American who lives in Hurricane prone areas can’t comprehend this lasting for more than a decade at best before it is washed away clean.
He isn’t too old. He’s overqualified.
Even blatant discrimination is almost impossible to prove.
It’s the measurement that you use when you need to account for shrinkage.
The only problem is that it’s just a matter of time until he brings a not quite dead one into the house as a present.
They would more likely give you ketamine, the date rape drug. Wank is over immediately and you won’t remember anything.
You’re not going to believe this, but I was getting out of shower, slipped, and fell, and all of that stuff went right up my ass. I swear it was just a freak accident. Could have happened to anyone.
This only works for about the first 5 minutes until the bright red glow of human lobster sunburn sets in.
All that I can picture is a tug o war where one side is struggling and the other side lets go, and they all fall down. Only in this video you hear pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop as the line lets go.