Which apps are specifically turning into fediverse apps? Very curious.
I love to read and knit/crochet! 22 year old gay jewish dude you can also find me @gabowo@lemmy.world or on matrix
Which apps are specifically turning into fediverse apps? Very curious.
His videos are always so random but somehow so entertaining and peaceful no matter what completely random thing he decides to talk about. My man could explain the mechanical differences between industrial farming equipment or something and I’d eat that shit up 100% without any questions.
It feels quite strange reading this as a Jewish person.
library extension forever until the end of time
maybe. maybe an ai bot that just argues with you would have some potential. like, argue with this AI instead of a random person online kinda thing
I know the ethics behind it are questionable especially with the way they implemented but honestly for the time when they first started testing it, I really enjoyed watching it break and it be rude/passive aggressive. Like it was clear it wasn’t ready at all but it was so funny. When it was breaking I would just sit there having fights with it over random bullshit. That’s what made it feel more “real” more than anything else.
In the future if my AI chatbot doesn’t have an option to add some bitchiness to it, I don’t want it. I need my AI to have some attitude.
People rely far too heavily on reddit for public resources. Here’s hoping that changes now.
Looks interesting and I will def be joining, but it does seem more instagramy than specifically free image hosting.
I liked it briefly when I logged in but as someone on reddit pointed out, the owner encouraged others to astroturf bringing new users to the site which feels kinda icky given the way other users have also bashed lemmy alongside it.
The community at tildes in my experience seems to be pretentiously over serious, like if you make the wrong comment that seems even somewhat off topic you will get permabanned.
That’s a little more than horrifying, what the hell???
also, I’m too sure if it solves the problem, but it might make it a bit harder to fully connect identities together.
I hadn’t heard of Invidious prior to this whole thing. Now I am using it.
The reason for that is precisely because laws regarding digital library content distributions haven’t been updated to reflect the digital age. It would be far more common if digital content was treated similarly legally to physical content for libraries, but the fact it isn’t is directly exploited by publishers and digital content companies. You might assume since it’s a digital file that it would be forever, but arbitrary fees and limitations that physical library content legally cannot have been (and are) consistently applied to digital library content. Especially ebooks and audiobooks. From circulation number-based expiration (file deletes itself after three patrons check out, etc), date expiration (file auto deletes in 3 months or whatever number the publisher wants, for example), price gouging by publishers (ebook prices and audiobook prices are often triple the normal library book copies), and the most annoying of all, time-based restrictions. When new books are published by larger publishing houses (especially hyped books), libraries are often limited to how many digital copies they can buy for a period of time to essentially try and force patrons to buy the books. Different publishers have entirely separate policies, and some are just on a book-by-book basis on how much extra money they can squeeze out of libraries. Believe it or not, Disney’s book publishing arm actually tends to have the fairest pricing policy of most other larger publishers.
It should be noted as well that Netflix has a weird hyper fixation on getting as many new signups as possible instead of user retention. That’s a big reason why so many shows that seem so big get cancelled, they aren’t bringing new sign ups in the eyes of Netflix, its their core business model. It’s really weird and I personally think it’s not a sustainable business model whatsoever, but I feel that it puts their password sharing policy into perspective better here.
I feel like the logical solution to this mess to prevent the mass resurgence of piracy would be extending laws regarding libraries to include a fairer right to distribution of digital content and funding libraries to create streaming platforms that incorporate what patrons want, bringing the physical CD/DVD collection to the digital age. But that would also require funding libraries more and potentially letting poor people access to premium media.
Finally I can ditch outlook and still have a nice UI!