Looks like the link was to the form builder, not the data intake side of a built form. I didn’t make one to verify that side is different though.
Looks like the link was to the form builder, not the data intake side of a built form. I didn’t make one to verify that side is different though.
Hiding a camera in person would be actively malicious if the other party doesn’t know. Having a zoom recording leaked is less actively.
Great movie. In this case, at end of this one you can have assets and apparently also tell your friends what you’re up to.
That’s no worse than you started. The fact remains nobody is going to get 100% coverage of their contact list on the fediverse without Meta, so trading a Facebook account for a threads account is no different, and it ignores the benefits of that time when you maybe able to live without either.
What features are you missing from Eternity? It seems fairly stable and feature complete in my experience.
Seeing this all the time in Chicago too. It’s really frustrating. Coupled with the same vehicle height and regular light brightness inflation that’s been occurring it’s really bad.
Yes, and host it on Proton. They are pretty reasonably priced compared to paid offerings by Microsoft and Google, and even if you pay them you are still the product. With proton you are the customer.
Gotta build that brown fat.
I agree on WEI, and that’s the scary part since crappy companies will demand it in the name of security and everyone gets fucked and the Internet becomes a little less free.
I think the issue is that on mobile especially, switching contexts between apps is incredibly difficult compared to desktop and as such it’s easier for one app maker to include everything so it can contest switch more easily. The “share” mechanisms on Android and iOS are great for the common use cases but harder for more nuanced things.
That and keeping you within their ecosystem drives engagement which increases profit.
Is that Cas’ car from the mid seasons or something else entirely ?
Which are all useless if nobody you want to talk to is there.
I believe that there is an extension for Firefox pwa support, but the Android version definitely supports pwas natively.
I’m way out of the loop, but is the issue that they actively make it difficult to use the rendering engine or is it that the cost to modularize it isn’t worth the payoff to Firefox itself? A subtle but important distinction IMO. I always felt it was the second, but maybe I was being dense?
That’s interesting, I’d be curious to read more about that. Do you have any links to get started with? Searching this type of stuff on Google yields less than ideal results.
It’s the implication that the sync dev is doing something nefarious by charging to remove ads from the free app they developed.
At this point there are multiple updates per day during the beta period. I expect that will settle down once things stabilize, but for now it’s definitely prudent to keep checking for updates.
I’ve been using it with Firefox and haven’t had any issues with lag or speed on a regular pixel 6. I’m curious what issues you’ve had or if you’ve used the most recent versions?
I’m typing this from the new sync, because it’s more familiar to me and I prefer it’s ui.
Also different instances hide different communities and so they don’t show up at all unless you are a direct subscriber.
I learned about this on my instance when some news communities were hidden, turns out my instance has quite a list of hidden communities, which isn’t a bad thing, but it can contribute to the incomplete timeline issue and if you don’t know about the hidden communities feature its very hard to diagnose why you’re not seeing what you expect to see.
In my case I wasn’t subscribed to some of the news communities because I would catch the top posts in /all, which keeps my subscribed feed focused on things I’m actively interested in. So hidden communities are a challenge when you use /all and /subbed in that way.