Personally I am excited for immutable distributions, so my suggestion would be Fedora Silverblue or Kinoite. It may be a spin of Fedora, but it works completely differently than regular Fedora. I am using it as my daily driver for over a year already and I am quite happy with it (apart from reoccurring breakages caused by kernel updates, e. g. my AMD desktop currently does not work with kernel 6.4 or newer, but this doesn’t have anything to do with Silverblue).
There are other immutable distributions out there, e. g. Vanilla OS or openSUSE microOS, so if you really want to avoid Fedora, you could also choose trying out one of these. In the case of Vanilla OS I would wait until version 2 is out, because version 2 will be radically different from the first release.
The worst thing is that right-wing ideals are opposed to what many voters think they are voting for.
Right-wing parties may claim to support the working class, but in reality they are in favour of increasing privatisation (e. g. Afd wants to discontinue the public broadcasters) and private profits and enlarging the economic divide between the rich and the poor.
I can’t believe that people continue to vote for the very same centre-right and right-wing parties (CDU/CSU, FDP, etc.) that have been in power for the last decades in Germany and are directly responsible for the continous downfall of (public) services, like the dreadful state of the two-class healthcare system (rich people and civil servants have private healthcare, everyone else relies on underfunded and mismanaged public healthcare).
To me it seems like people are voting blindfolded. People desperately need more education in my opinion, which is why I also put blame on the (public) media for their often superficial and sensationalist reporting and lack of insightful explanations of current events.