It is a small nib but it’s flexible and writes generously. Also it looks smaller because it’s recessed into the body, very much like a Lamy 2000 nib. Wouldn’t recommend the 2000 though as a) they’re quite pricey and b) quite broad in the hand.
Joyfully cheaper options are things like the platinum preppy and kawecos. I have a kaweco sport with a gold nib which I think was about £40 and it writes like a dream.
Hope this is helping with everybody’s existential dread btw.
That Parker looks nice. Is the grip as comfy as it looks?
You want hefty in hand then can recommend this baby:
It’s the stainless steel version of the 2000. Not cheap though. The Kawecos are a gateway drug. I’m some years in to my addictions.
It’s a piston filler so bloody loads of ink to journal the demise of civilisation.