Is this new? I vaguely remember something like this happening shortly after he bought Twitter and made it more “efficient”.
Like by disabling some services which prevented 2FA codes from being sent out.
Is this new? I vaguely remember something like this happening shortly after he bought Twitter and made it more “efficient”.
Like by disabling some services which prevented 2FA codes from being sent out.
Lmao - guess my joke about the copping a feel didn’t land. Guess I should’ve added in a /joke there.
It’s Molly Malone and her statue is in Dublin. Rubbing her boobs supposedly brings good luck.
I’m not sure where the good luck part came from… But leave it to men to classify copping a feel as a sign of good luck.
I also wonder what the OS is like. I need things like OxygenOS from OnePlus or something close to stock android.
All the bullshit UI from Samsung or Huawei or whatever is just atrocious. Terrible UI, no longtime support. Extra account shoehorned in.
In many places WhatsApp is the defacto standard unfortunately…
If its not that its something like Viber, or badoo or telegram or some other nightmare service…
If you have kids there is also not really getting away from it. Friends of mine have never had Facebook accounts until they had kids because the local football team or boyscout or whatever only uses Facebook to communicate…
I agree you can live your life comfortably without meta services, but sometimes, like in the example above, you dont have any alternatives…
You can’t keep harassing other parents to forward you messages or ask the team to print any messages specifically for you. Not having a Facebook account just gets “its easy to create” responses rather than “completely understandable, here’s our private matrix server to stay in the loop”.
Is that the cybertruck x 9000?
What bugs? I dont think I’ve actually run into any bugs?
Blizzard used to do that as well with world of Warcraft updates IIRC ( during vanilla )
90% was self employed in 1900.
That can’t be right can it?
From my experience on the road it actually happens with most brands and BMWs specifically.
People also seemed to have forgotten that you’re supposed to use it to indicate what you are planning to do and not what you’re doing.
I can see you’re changing lanes. I just want to know you’re planning on doing that so I can anticipate ( like break a little ) rather than being cut off and having to slam my brakes.
Or that I know you’ll slow down because you want to take turn, rather than randomly breaking.
Fuck i hate drivers. And I wish I could just work from home more days. The only reason I’m not is because they want, not need, me at the office 3/5.
My favorite saying is:
Not my monkey, not my circus
Edit: flipped my saying around by accident. I guess I do need more sleep
I recently saw despicable me and just heard vector saying “oh yeah” rather than the CSI clip
If I can make an estimated guess, and this might very well be completely wrong, I’m guessing if iphone devices text each other the chats appear in blue bubbles implying it’s end to end encrypted and secure. If they use imessage to contact a non apple user it will probably be in green and not be E2EE ( regular text message ).
The thumb holding the spoon does seem off. Way too long no? 14/15 fingers then?
you’re funny
Still not for sale
Oh dear lord >.>