Gotta get that post nut clarity to make sure it is you and not the horny feelings leading you to making that decision.
It has always been kind of funny to me that the painters of these official portraits had to at some point get directions along the lines of “I want it to be flattering but clearly me” for some of the portraits they had to do of what had to be pretty bridge troll ugly looking people.
Talk about going home that night after getting the assignment, having a stiff drink, and wondering how the hell you are going to get out of this one.
Could be worse, could have been your mother or grandmother.
This meme does not contain enough toenail chewing.
Hope the weather forecasts around there are very accurate.
I have something like 100 of these in a draw in my home office. Along with a straightened paperclip as a backup.
Lawful neutral or chaotic neutral for me, depending on my mood.
Shit, if a show doesn’t interest me after 30 minutes I’m done with it. If the story only gets interesting after the forced exposition dump part of the script, then the script needed more work before they filmed it. In my opinion anyway.
I can smell the overpriced aftershave and beard balm in this picture.
Hey, that sounds like my cloud storage providers auto billing system.
“Your auto renewal will draft on 08/09/23.”
Is that August 9th or September 8th? Literally depends on where the person you ask is in the world.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy
hahaha, thats crazy. Anyway, hows your sex life? Anyway, gotta run.
I think Tommy Wiseau would produce a much more true to life interpretation of what Elon Musk is really like.
Cheap hookers that won’t give me weird things on my junk are rigged.