I usually say oof when the conversation is a trainwreck I wouldn’t want to contribute to.
I usually say oof when the conversation is a trainwreck I wouldn’t want to contribute to.
It’s social media in the technical definition - it’s a place to view media, both entertainment and news, with commentary, groups, the ability to follow someone, etc. Which makes it social.
But yeah, it’s not quite like Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn. A little bit like Twitter though.
My concern is that if you can drop tens of billions of dollars on a single acquisition, what’s to stop you from spending “just” one billion to manipulate the situation to put your target in a vulnerable situation?
Our entire society is set up to wring out anyone who is unfortunate enough to find themselves buying anything.
And as resources get squeezed, more and more people are trying to claw at smaller and smaller pieces of the overall economic pie.
The breaking point will be catastrophic.
Honestly, I agree with the antiboomer sentiment.
But at the same time, it is annoying when you’ve had an included service for decades that will now be worse or cost money.
It’s not hard.
Cousin # = # of generations back to your shared direct ancestor - 1.
So if you share a grandparent (2 generations away), you’re 1st cousins.
removed is how many generations away you are from each other.
So if your parent is first cousins with someone, you’re first cousins once removed. You’re second cousins to their kids. You’re second cousins once removed to their children.