autistic/non-autistic, asexual/sexual, aromantic/romantic, trans/cis
asexual and aromantic are already based on being the negative, adding another term to reverse that just makes a double negative
autistic/non-autistic, asexual/sexual, aromantic/romantic, trans/cis
asexual and aromantic are already based on being the negative, adding another term to reverse that just makes a double negative
But joking about and insulting them isn’t going to make anything better, it’s going to drive more impressionable young boys towards people like Tate.
You’re definitely right that society needs to do a better job with this. Calling men toxic and joking about their inadequacy might make the person speaking feel better about themselves but it’s not going to help society at all because that kind of talk is what pushes more and more boys into the arms of the Tate’s of the world.
Women are you going to be a good time to get the latest Flash player is required for video
You might want to talk to a therapist because that is not a “cultural” difference.
But if you don’t care that other people around you think you’re an asshole even if they’re not coming up to you and saying it, then there’s nothing anyone can say.
Technology-wise, most modern “analog” wristwatches are quartz, and therefore digital, not actually analog.
Wat… that’s not how that works. Quartz watches can be digital or analog but what matters is whether it has a digital display or analog hands.
I’m a watch nerd with a collection of mechanical watches and I’m not going to downvote you because you’re right. I wear them because I like them even though I know they are anachronistic. I can’t remember the last time I interacted with somebody significantly younger than me who was wearing a watch, and as I said, I’m a watch nerd, someone’s watch is one of the first things I notice about them.
I will say that they are occasionally more convenient than other places I could check the time but I’ve built my life in such a way that I very rarely have to care about what time it is and I go weeks at a time without checking the time, just wearing them because I’m fascinated by tiny gears and springs doing their business and I like the feeling of it on my wrist.
I don’t mind standing in a small cube with strangers, that’s no issue at all. People that I’ve met once or twice but don’t know, that’s who I avoid.
Well that just gets into how deep one thinks about the question, “how does it work?” Because the fact is we have mathematical models that describe what particles and fields are doing, but there is yet to be an answer to “how” they do it. If you’re satisfied with a model describing “what” something does as an answer to “how” it works then the question ends right there.
I think the difference is in how people interpret the question of how they work. Like you could say, easy, magnetic fields. But you can always drill down to a deeper layer. How do magnetic fields work? Well there’s a force exerted on a particle moving through a magnetic field because of the electric charge. Yeah, but HOW. Well, quantum electrodynamics and virtual photons. Yeah but how do THOSE work, and why? There’s a fundamental level where explanations become WHAT something does and not HOW it does it. Whether or not someone thinks we understand how magnets work depends on how deeply they’ve thought about the question.
You’re conflating subjective and objective. Just because things subjectively matter to you (they also subjectively matter to most nihilists as well) doesn’t mean they objectively matter. That’s where the distinction lies.
OK but desk setups are fun to look at
What is your idea of a good meme so we have a frame of reference to compare to
If someone just comes up to someone out of the blue and says they won’t have sex with you there’s nothing wrong with being angry or telling them to fuck off… I’d do the same if someone came up to me and said that and I’m not trans. The situation in the comic is not about someone’s preferences, it’s about people who constantly bring up their preference out of the blue for no reason other than to use it as a weapon. You’ve never experienced that problem, neat, good for you. A lot of trans people do.
OMG dude, no, stop! At least put down a tarp or something.
What is wrong with that? People can dress however they like and if you don’t like it you can just not look at them, not really rocket science.
Nobody deserves to be hated for how they look. But at the same time, we live in a extreamly superficial world. Quite an awful world if you ask me.
Guy… you’re the one being superficial… you don’t get to blame your behaviour on “the world” that’s extremely pathetic. Own up to the fact that it is people like you AND you yourself that make the world superficial. Or are you too afraid to take responsibility for your own behaviour?
Down with specificity! We want the confusion that arises from ambiguity! Things were confusing in my day and I will not put up with people being able to understand each other! Harrumph to you good sir! A harrumph and another harrumph for good measure!
The corporations can fuck right off because they steal more from creators than pirates ever could. But directly supporting independent creators you like is a good thing that should be lauded. Someone dying penniless in the street because they chose to make things that enhanced people’s lives instead of going into a soul sucking banking career or some shit is a travesty if you ask me.