B A S S !
B A S S !
Thanks a lot! If I come to have another doubt I’ll surely ask you again, you explained very well
Hey, I’m actually starting to learn how to read scores and I’ve never seen the symbols ’ and > before. What do they mean?
Very interesting, but I wonder how to implement this idea in a pos nuclear bomb world. I think the capitalists forces would prefer to destroy the world instead of lose power… One possible way is to educate people, or a rebuild after the climate catastrophe that is upon us.
The way that the guitar in the background is hanging hurts my soul.
Ah, yes! The wave-particle-dog principle…
Exactly hahaaha!!
I hope she gets better! Cheers mate!
According to this map Cyprus and part of Azerbaijan belongs to Turkey. Congratulations, you just started WW3.
Exactly. And may I add to your point the privatization of public communication by social media ( especially Instagram ). It’s becoming very hard to find information about your city public action without an account on Instagram; now to be a citizen is required to have an “social media id”.
Also, business are becoming hostages of Instagram: their only way to communicate with the customers is through this mediation. I think is very very important to platforms like pixelfed to become more popular and indeed brake these people free.