Probably a wildlife rescue center or similar is one of many lemmy instances. Any Lemmy instance will show posts on their “all” page from instances they’re federated with. Generally, you can subscribe to and comment in federated communities.
Depending on your viewer/app, you’ll see the instance following an @ sign. For example, username means that account is on the instance. Similar for communities.
May have missed some finer points but that’s generally how it works.
Oh no, it’s t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m.
So Linux users?
I’m in my prime like Doc Holliday is in his prime
That sounds very uniquely (eastern) Canadian.
They’re so expensive, though. You’d have to skip meals and save up your per diem just to get one
my naME IS COnNor, I’M thE aNDRoId sEnT by CYBerLIfE
This post made me crumble into dust
A crummy commercial??