There’s a webcomic called Just Roommates that’s based on this concept of the suits themselves taking on a persona.
There’s a webcomic called Just Roommates that’s based on this concept of the suits themselves taking on a persona.
Actually harvested carrots can last for months if buried in sand and stored in a cool place.
Everyone makes fun of California’s prop 65 warnings, but this is exactly the situation they exist for: knowing which colorful plate sets to avoid at Crate & Barrel.
You say this like we don’t still have kitchenware with lead (or other nasties like cadmium) in them, often for purely aesthetic reasons. Most of these are discontinued products still in circulation, but some are still being produced (in theory they’re “safe for use” because the heavy metals are sealed behind something nontoxic, but scratches and chips may expose them).
Years ago, when I was super into manga and anime, I tried to get into One Piece because of how popular it was getting (it was still finding its footing in the US but it was huge in Japan). I read the first few volumes of the manga and watched the first dozen or so anime episodes. It was well made but nothing about it grabbed me in a way that made me the least bit excited to continue (or even understand its wild popularity), especially compared to other shonen series at the time. The plot didn’t immediately hook me, and I guess neither the characters nor the premise/setting were interesting enough to keep me going until it did. Given how long the series has gone on for, I’m relieved I never got into it.
Anyone else struggle to find One Piece enjoyable?
I’ve heard there’s another reactor in the Willapa Hills that was constructed but never activated. Like some ghost story it still sits, unused, to this day.
Rearrange the photos so that upper left is lower right, upper right is lower left, lower left is upper left, and lower right is upper right, and you’ve got yourself a political compass meme.
Washington State checking in. They don’t call us “the evergreen state” for nothing!
All it took was sacrificing our river ecosystems and invalidating native tribes’ entire way of life
That’s great and all, but what the heck are you supposed to cook it in, a grain silo?
This was cross-posted to “usauthoritarianism”
Otherwise I wouldn’t really care, but like wtf. Of all examples of authoritarianism/fighting the system, feeding a parking meter? What is this, anarchy for infants?
I assume it’s shorthand for “pays for”
My understanding is most shorthand/euphemisms nowadays seem to originate from tiktok’s strict and sometimes inscrutable censorship rules. Maybe this is one of them?
Edit: apparently this was a case of text-to-speech gone away. I prefer my head cannon of tiktok trying to censor conversations about anyone who “pays for” an elicit service.
Eh, I’m not sure how I feel about this one. Parking is a huge thorn in the side of transportation reform, and ensuring parking turnover is actually pretty crucial to a functional transportation system. On-street parking is public right-of-way that could be a bike lane, enhanced bus stop, street seating for restaurants/cafes, parklets, drainage swales, large medians for trees, wider sidewalks, the list goes on. However we don’t get these nice things because “wE NeEd ThE pArKiNg SuPpLy.” Except often you’ll find that there would be sufficient supply to remove the parking on even just one side of the street if turnover were higher, and turnover is not higher because people are abusing the parking. Things like store employees parking all day in spots meant for customers, people using on-street parking to avoid more expensive lots at the destinations they’re actually visiting (like entertainment venues), etc. Have you ever encountered a parking meter that would only let you put in 2 hours of money even though you need the spot for much longer, and you had to run out mid-way through whatever you were doing to feed the meter? That means you were probably not the intended user for that space and you should have found longer-term parking elsewhere. Maybe that store manager that runs outside every other hour to feed the meter rather than use an all-day parking lot (but that’s a three-block walk away and this parking is right here!!1) or taking public transportation (because that’s beneath them) would rethink this behavior after an expensive ticket. Point is, I’m not sure helping people skirt parking regulations is fighting the system or standing up for the little guy.
You’re taking the meme way too seriously. For one, drugs aren’t a standard treatment for ODD. From the Mayo Clinic:
Treatment for oppositional defiant disorder primarily involves family-based interventions. But treatment may include other types of talk therapy and training for your child — as well as for parents. […] Medicines alone generally aren’t used for ODD unless your child also has another mental health condition.
You’re going to need to be more specific what you mean by “your argument”
I posted this in another thread for this meme:
Fun meme and all, but I somehow doubt the author has much experience working with children. Some kids are genuinely little terrors, in that everybody around them tends to have a bad time in their presence (adults, peers, and usually, the kid themselves). “We live in a society” and all that, so not being able to function within that society (especially as a minor since they don’t even have the option of living off-grid in the woods as a hermit) is, sorry to say, a problem.
This is also a gross misrepresentation of ODD as defined by the DSM; here’s a snippet of the diagnostic requirements (emphasis mine):
A pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months as evidenced by at least four symptoms of the following categories, and exhibited during interaction with at least one individual who is not a sibling:
Angry/Irritable Mood
Argumentative/Defiant Behavior
There’s also additional qualifiers such as for frequency (they’re not pathologizing having a bad day or two).
So no, your “eat the rich” and “ACAB” laptop stickers are not going to get you slapped with an ODD diagnosis.
Right now in every major city in America, active transportation supporters are pointing to this resounding success and shouting, “see, it works! Build the infrastructure to make cycling safe and convenient, and mode shift will occur!” And in every city, the response is “bUt We’Re NoT PaRiS!!1”
Just like “We’Re NoT UtReChT” “We’Re NoT AmStErDaM” “We’Re NoT [any other city that has successfully built a transportation system not completely dominated by automobiles].” Every. Time.
I can think of literally zero examples of this. Apparently I’m watching the wrong shows? (Or perhaps, the right shows?)
That’s a 2.24x price increase. That’s even beyond Argentina-hyperinflation levels of increase. Are we sure this is an apples-to-apples comparison? Like, was there a sale or bulk discount that made the shorter can relatively cheaper? I’m struggling to believe a retailer would engage in such a brazen markup in a single week. (Not to say it’s not possible, but it’s extreme enough that I’m not taking the word of some random hand-written graphic on the Internet.)
inb4 the munchies hit
Which one is the “cardiac arrest meme”?