No, problems like “how dirty is this water” do not fall under AI. It’s a pretty simple variable of the type software has been dealing with since forever.
No, problems like “how dirty is this water” do not fall under AI. It’s a pretty simple variable of the type software has been dealing with since forever.
Berries like raspberries blackberries blueberries and even strawberries don’t have lots of sugar, maybe 5g per 100g. That’s one level teaspoon.
The lactose in milk is almost all consumed in the fermentation process, so maybe a few more grams per 100.
The rest of the sugar in those glasses is just sugar manufacturers include to make their product more appealing.
One of the problems with sugar is that it represents empty calories.
Given my age, weight, and activity levels maybe I need x calories per day, any more and I’ll gain weight. I also need protein and fibre and micronutrients. As you get older (like me) you get less good at extracting nutrients.
The challenge is, getting enough nutrients in few enough calories to avoid gaining weight.
In this context sugar is just dead weight.
I was going to say there’s a lot of variation within brands.
Most yoghurts have a “greek” variant with about 5g per 100g carbohydrates.
Honey is more or less flavoured sugar IMO.
Berries are a great combo with yoghurt, also chopped nuts.
I think you might be talking about vote fuzzing. This denies bots the ability to check whether they’re banned.
Votes shown are inaccurate by a few votes . You can’t check whether your vote was recorded by refreshing the page.
I don’t really understand what you’re getting at.
People often downvote without posting a comment as explanation.
I’ve noticed lemmy users do this more than reddit.
The explanation is simply that they don’t like the vibe of what you’re saying but don’t know how to respond.
Ah OK, that makes a lot of sense.
Somewhat related is iron man. The suit can’t protect him from g-forces. He would just be pulpy human goo in a can.
That said, I feel silly pointing out anything to do with super hero’s because they’re not intended to be realistic.
I think projectiles often push other crap in to the wound, like bits of clothing et cetera.
I learned this from movies so it must be true.
Just several years ago I was shocked to learn that you do CPR if someone doesn’t have a pulse, not a defibrillator.
It’s a very, very common misconception.
Since then those portable defibrillator units have shown up in public places, which has led me to morbidly wonder two things:
Firstly, how often are they used incorrectly?
And secondly, how do you know when you’re supposed to use it? I suspect the answer to this one is “the EMT on the phone will tell you to” but… IDK it would seem unlikely that most people could do something like that in an emergency.
I guess in the before times when a computer updated a monitor it was probably important.
Oh man. That really sucks.
I really liked this series until a few moments ago.
That woman has been through a truly harrowing experience in her 20s and they’ve just dumped on her again.
I’m not going to watch a video about polishing a turd but I assume the turd remains a turd.
You’ll not I didn’t actually make the claim that its not possible.
There’s a popular phrase “you can’t polish a turd”. The meaning in this case being that if you put a nice UI on chromium it’s still chromium.
Hey check out this turd I polished.
Yeah I don’t know enough about the technologies involved to have an informed opinion but solutions involving nuclear always seem like this…
“Just let us keep doing what we’re doing while we invent a new technology that will solve all our problems.”
Obviously, the answer is… we absolutely should invent this new technology but while we’re doing that we can transition to renewables and avoid grifts that rely on absurd energy usage like crypto and AI.
This is just plain untrue.
In all cases you need to drive to the conditions. Observe your circumstances and adapt your behavior accordingly.
3s is a good yard stick, but there’s plenty of situations in which it is not the ideal safe distance.
At 110km/h that’s about 90 metres. Every idiot around is going to try to move around you to take up that spot. Being overtaken by idiots is unsafe. This is just one example, there’s plenty of others.
It depends.
On a well developed well maintained “freeway” with multiple lanes, shoulders for break downs, gentle curves, et cetera it’s common. 3 car lengths is more common here I think.
That said, on a “highway” (interstate?) without everything listed above I aim for 2 seconds, which is about 60 metres at highway speed.
Yes. I think it would be hard to find anyone who thinks chagossians should not be consulted in determining what happens with their island.
The stark reality is that it’s probably just not possible, in any meaningful way.
I have first hand experience in this type of negotiation with community / minority group trying to navigate the best outcomes for them with their limited resources, although of course nothing so dramatic as deciding what to do with an island.
The first problem you encounter is that their is very limited governance within the group, or no governance, or extraordinarily poor governance which is acting against the best interests of the group. Straight off the bat you can end up mediating internal disputes which might be generational feuds. For chagossians, you might ask who gets consulted and are they reasonable representatives of the group.
The next problem you encounter is that the demands of the group may very likely be unreasonable and unachievable, and the group might become hostile if they are unmet. For example you might think possible outcomes in this circumstances are stay with UK, join Mauritius, or become a sovereign nation. What happens if the group demands a fourth option, a new island, in the mid latitudes, unpopulated, potential for local fishing industry, et cetera. You can’t really negotiate with a group that would make such a demand.
Another problem is that, well, the stark reality is that maybe the Chagossians don’t really have any meaningful options. What’s the point of negotiating if the only potential outcome is being subsumed by Mauritius and accepting whatever they will provide.
In addition, no matter how much you consult with them, there will always be someone that says they weren’t consulted and they’re bitter because they didn’t receive their new tropical island.
Finally, if things need to be resolved in a timely manner, then involving the Chagossians isn’t going to achieve that. The only option is to hand them over to Mauritius and let them manage all of these issues that have been simmering away since the dawn of time.
I don’t really know anything about Chagos, but is that really what the islanders want? A quick google suggests the islanders might find it difficult to agree.
Most micro island nations just aren’t viable as a sovereign nation in 2024. They need air travel, health services, telecommunications, building materials, food imports, education, et cetera. Sadly they just aren’t able to produce anything of any value with which to pay for all of those things.
In many cases they end up trading their sovereignty for political positions. It looks like there’s already a detention centre for sri lankans in Chagos. China will happily pay then millions a year for them not to recognise Taiwan as a sovereign state, which is kinda ironic.
Nauru is a fairly interesting island nation. They sold the rights to their phosphate (bird poo) 80 (?) some years ago, and after it was extracted they were left with a moon scape. Sadly they squandered the money with some comically bad investments, including a broadway production IIRC. Health outcomes are pretty terrible.
It looks like there’s already a military base in Chagos, so I guess that’s something they can trade on.
Another problem with sovereignty is migration rights. If you’re born somewhere like that you would absolutely want the opportunity to go to university in Australia or UK or similar.
Actually this one is sensible.
In the near future as more renewable energy is included in power grids the price of power will fluctuate depending on the weather.
The WiFi connection will allow you to configure your washing to be done when pricing reaches whatever point.