Because state-sponsored propaganda. Where the other side is actively getting dehumanized and people stop considering them human beings.
That’s actually pretty common practice and has been used through a lot of wars.
Because state-sponsored propaganda. Where the other side is actively getting dehumanized and people stop considering them human beings.
That’s actually pretty common practice and has been used through a lot of wars.
In the country I am originally from the exchange rate is actually different and some exchange offices even refuse to take them. And I also have a friend who lived there and who told me the same story that when traveling he was only taking British pounds with him because of difficulties exchanging the Scottish ones.
Don’t forget that they have Scottish pounds which everywhere outside Scotland are snubbed and you can exchange them for less than the British pound even though in the UK they should be interchangeable. This blows my mind
Before brexit their biggest import and export partner was the EU. After, it wasn’t anymore and I still scratch my head and wonder who thought this was a good idea back then.
Not to mention that their agricultural sector was relying heavily on migrant workers from poorer EU states. Now those are also mostly gone.
Please try to name me a single bicycle lobby in the US. And now exchange bicycle with car.
Oh please, rents were increasing higher than wages for decades now, taking even bigger chunk of the pay of regular people. And Airbnb and Booking in tourist/business hotspots are to blame to a large extent for that.
It is fine if you use unprotected wifi and then connect to a VPN.
Did you fall on your head as a kid boyo?
So how many innocent people and war crimes does Israel must commit for your blood lust to be satisfied?
Are the lives of Palestinians not worth it in your eyes? And is their suffering not enough?
https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=SVtw8PKl-CE. I haven’t seen a single report or independently verified report siding with Israel’s claim. Don’t forget that this gor reported one day after the ICJ ruling, which says that Israel should not hinder the access to humanitarian aid of Gazans, something Israel is deliberately hijacking. So knowing Israel’s history of refusing to admit their own guilt, I have my serious doubts about the credibility of these reports.
And even if true, all the UNRWA employees are vetted by Israel, and they have all been cleared by their last assessment last May, so apparently Israel also failed in their job. Heck Israel even failed to prevent 7th of October even though Mossad is believed to be one of the most capable in the world. I think it is only fair to disband Mossad too.
What about the IDF who killed three of their own hostages, who also happened to be shirtless and waving a white flag, let’s disband them too. Mind you IDF soldiers committed a lot more war crimes, who I am sure went undocumented, deliberately killing thousands of innocent civilians.
Unfounded allegations. Where is the independent proof, or are we all now believing the IDF propaganda?
This sure seems to be like the story about the Hamas headquarter under Al Shifa Hospital https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alleged_military_use_of_al-Shifa_hospital#:~:text=Amnesty International said on 23,credible evidence" for the allegation.
And don’t you find it a bit fishy that this comes days after the preliminary ICJ ruling, one day after which Israel started their campaign to discredit UNRWA, by stating that their employees took part in the 7th of October attack, but conveniently missed to provide any proof, neither to the UN, nor to any of their so called allies.
Ugh, not his decision, Putin’s decision. Orban is Putin’s puppet?
You do realise that any humanitarian organisation needs to co-ordinate its actions with the local authorities in the territory to make sure that they can deliver the help. And in the case of Gaza this seems to be Hamas. I am sure that every non profit or humanitarian organisation that operates in Gaza has established some kind of communication with Hamas, shall we disband all of them then? Like WHO, WFP, the Red Crescent, UNICEF, …
But hey, let’s change them without any plan how or who’s going to be responsible for the humanitarian aid during an active war conflict. This is a wonderful idea!
Just because the civilians in Gaza didn’t suffer enough.
In case you missed that part, Israel didn’t provide any proof for their claim that UNRWA employees were indeed involved on the 7th of October.
And even if we accept that those employees were indeed involved we are talking about 13/30.000, 0.04% of their total number of employees.
Do you defund the Bundeswehr or the German Police because they found out that some employees there were Neo-Nazis? I don’t think so.
Plus I didn’t hear anyone actually suggesting a viable alternative to the UNRWA. Or shall we simply let those people die of starvation? Because this is what is actually happening on the ground.
ELI5 how do you organise and distribute a humanitarian aid for 2.3M people in a war torn country, without the needed infrastructure and people on the ground? Shall we also mention that Israel is doing very little to streamline the delivery of this humanitarian aid, actively blocking it either entering the country or reaching the whole of Gaza?
If this isn’t a collective punishment, what is? And it also happens to be a war crime. Do you refuse to acknowledge Israel’s involvement of this war crime? Or is Israel some special country for which international laws don’t apply?
By the way now the title says 45-fold.
And from the article
Some 42,200 people were infected in 2023, compared to 941 during the whole of 2022.
Blame the anti-vaxxers for that
No, stay away from Europe, we don’t want you, our real estate prices are already sky high compared to the median wages. So don’t come here!
Yes, they are U Huge, usually occupies a lot more space, weigh more, are worse for the environment, the roads, pretty much everything and are a sigh how wasteful and oblivious of its impact the humanity became
Yes, it is an EU country, but it was a couple of years ago. So again things might have gotten better and my original statement might be completely wrong.