At least I got chicken
At least I got chicken
Wouldn’t the best term be mercantilism? Power through the accumulation of wealth, but instead of nations it’s now corporations. It’s definitely not capitalist since capitalism is about having competition, and that doesn’t happen without constant government intervention to break up monopolies and trusts.
Honestly, I’m not against ads, I understand that a site with free articles needs to pay the bills somehow. The reason I use ad block is that online ads have become so intrusive that it makes websites unusable, and the way they track you is way over the line. If ads didn’t completely destroy the experience of reading a website and were reasonable in the data they collected I probably wouldn’t bother with ad block.
And most people wore clothes that came from plants, like cotton and linen. Leather and fur were not for commoners, and are not sustainable compared to plants.
What do you think most clothes were made out of before polyester? Most people wore cotton, linen, or wool clothes. The first two are from plants, the last one doesn’t kill the animal. Hemp was also a major source of textile. Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?
Those worked great for me when I was in Japan. Google Maps was also great for getting around, it would have been really hard to navigate without it.
The hardest part was navigating services. It was really hard to figure out how to get IC cards and cell service, and getting online tickets was a nightmare dealing with horribly buggy websites. I normally like to plan things on the fly when I travel, but for Japan I really recommend doing research ahead of time and getting tickets for things you want in advance.
They never took off because they marketed it poorly. Just partner up with Dragonball Z and make them look like scouters and they’ll sell out immediately.
Open your eyes, the world isn’t even real. Once you realize that you can take whatever form you want.
As bad as establishment candidates tend to be, trump is far far worse. The problem with the trump supporters is they boil everything down to “X bad, so not X good!” Trump was an outsider which is why they supported him, but just being an outsider doesn’t automatically make you good, and in his case he’s far worse.
I’m curious if people changed their tune once they heard your Canadian accent. Was it their visual racism that led them to assume your country and be racist about nationality, or was it mainly just visual racism with nationality not playing much of a role?
Assuming it’s a real tweet my guess would be that the last reply appeared on their inbox out of context so they thought they were responding to the original tweet. Since Twitter is a shit platform with shit conversation structure I think it’s likely assuming it’s real.
How is tiktok anything like WikiLeaks or lavabit? How is Lemmy like them either?
What search api do you think those services use under the hood? Funnily enough though, only Bing actually lets you use their API directly, services that build on top of Google are paying proxy scrapers because Google doesn’t sell direct access to their search results. I’m guessing they’ll open it up to capture that market eventually.
Totally agree on communication, but I think that’s more a thing reception should be responsible for. Reception’s attitude seems to be “you want to ask for perfectly reasonable information? Well fuck you.”
Are there interesting powers? I want a hack n slash that has more physicality to the powers so there’s more strategy to positioning and mob management. Like cleave powers that send enemies flying backwards, or wind powers that blow open a path forward, or time bubbles that slow enemies and projectiles in an area. I’m kinda bored by games that just have numbers tied to an animation.
At least in California in grocery stores they always have a per weight tag too. Problem is that it’s not always the same weight…
I dunno what your job is but a doctor’s time is more important than my time for sure.
Their time is actually more important than yours
Tell that to women and trans people. If Trump wasn’t elected we’d still have roe v Wade and federal judges that would strike down a lot of the anti trans laws being put out, plus those states wouldn’t have been empowered to do so in the first place.
That’s a hot take I’d expect to hear from a 12 year old.