Computer Scientists: There is another
buy, yo
Computer Scientists: There is another
[You mean this?](\))
This is probably in reference to where the quote “uuuooooohhh seeeggss” came from: a Japanese man cycling down the road in the middle of the night a tunnel shouting that, and other hilarious nonsense.
Edit: found it:
One of which can also be a massager of someone’s dump truck.
What’s the difference between hyfetch
and neofetch
Care to share preset file?
Tagalog: Ang
Bonus: Tagalog pronouns are all gender-neutral. “He” and “She” is just “Siya”, indirect form is just “Niya”, and possessive form is just “kaniya”.
Also bonus: Ang is an article for objects. There is another article designated for people (or sentient beings): Si.
It’s just a shame that the Arch Linux Official Repository is still several updates outdated. Thunderbird in the repository is still at v102 at writing.
Where’s the live action from Nope