Maybe not but could you get out of it for entrapment though?
Maybe not but could you get out of it for entrapment though?
Ah but you see I’m not just eating nuts
I’m eating nuts unless I have nuts allergies
Not doubting that
Just wondering how secret the actual ballot is
In some countries you can put a soldier there and they wouldn’t be able to tell who you voted for
I see in the box it seems to be just a folded A4 sheet and you can tell most of them
Yes I haven’t seen the very visible soldier
Circlejerk so powerful asking a question is seen as being fucking blind now apparently
How does the voting process work there? That pic looks like it’s just signing that you voted
No that’s the two first outbreaks, it’s covid 1st edition
He’s prone to magical thinking
He’s still in denial that climate change can’t wait. Same vein.
His party sure is
There’s always elections going on in France
Explanation yes I wrote one
But as you can tell I don’t like him very much either
You could’ve googled that they will be in 2027 instead of writing all that :|
Current government is just stingy. They pushed the pension reform remember? Far right (which is pro-russian) has 30+% of the voters, they don’t have the balls to take the fallout once they pay for a news-worthy weapon package after pushing for cost-cuttings in every department
Second moment in recent history when the french end up being the tellers of uncomfortable truths
Just take lanes away from cars
It’s pseudo-nothing
It conveys a point, which you got, and if you decide to invent a syntax and bicker on it it’s just you
Really pointless discussion
He’s got a term’s time to prove everyone wrong now
Why do you assume it was a pointer type? There’s no types. Why do you assume C either? This is pseudo code to illustrate pointer offsets
There’s a syntax for indexing starting from 0, it’s
*(&arr+0) to *(&arr+(n-1))
For the rest of us who are manipulating sets of values and not offsets on pointers and aren’t delusionally attached to conventions, there’s arr[1] to arr[n]
Yes you could say I hang out mostly with party animals
The poverty spiked exactly as fast and exactly as much as the social programs he dismantled, he’s trying stuff out and his first speech explained that this would happen.
I don’t believe he’s gonna pull off any kind of 2nd phase.
I haven’t seen the right wing stuff that’s disappointing
I did notice Chloe but to me that was just regular softcore erotica. Bit weird on your main account but that was it
I’ve had neighbors for 28 years and they’ve never been a significant portion of my problems. Largely nice, mostly indifferent, sometimes annoying
Being close to things, short commutes, no driving and not being lonely though?
Remove any of those and I’m instantly worse off