whether they are ever released or not
This is the most important line. They might not ever be able to be rehabilitated. Maybe there’s something broken in them that can be fixed with therapy. Maybe there isn’t, and they never can be released without significant danger of reoffending. Either way, it isn’t our place to execute anyone for their crimes. If there is a crime, there will be innocent people convicted of it, and if there is a death penalty, there will be innocent people that receive it. The entire point of the post is that the definition of “pedo” continues to be expanded, until it’s really just being used as an ever expanding label to apply to political out-groups.
Where you draw the line may be different from where others draw the line, but no matter where you draw the line, some innocent person is dying, and maybe someone that committed no crime but being marginalized. As the post said, conservatives have been trying to expand the definition of pedophile to include queer people for decades, and ramping up the violent rhetoric as well. The more we advocate for violence against those we consider deserving, even if their crime is heinous, the more we assist those trying to expand the definition in their attempt to wield that hatred as a weapon against their chosen targets.
In summary, if you’re okay with the death penalty for pedophiles, then you’re okay with innocent people that were convicted wrongfully being executed too, and maybe for political reasons if the right gets their way.
I thought the point of this was to treat them both the same. If yes, you’re not cool for invalidating two people’s genders, if no, you’re still not cool for invalidating one person’s gender. Maybe I’m misreading but I don’t see your comment represented in the meme.