Radicalized by Cory Doctorow, the first story there called “Authorized Bread” is VERY relevant to this topic. Thats the future we might be heading into. Ugh.
A classic nerd from Norway.
Radicalized by Cory Doctorow, the first story there called “Authorized Bread” is VERY relevant to this topic. Thats the future we might be heading into. Ugh.
Powershell for those that don’t like powershell. Good. Pwsh need some competition in the object-piping category.
That I can believe. I’m too young for that. Didn’t get to play until Morrowind.
But it IS still the least buggy Bethesda game yet, that I believe. If all people got to complain about is lack of some HDR shit, theres not much to complain about.
I’ve only found a few bugs so far: One enemy floating in air, and followers who aren’t good at following.
Don’t need to tell me twice. I’ve distrusted Brave since I saw their advertisement for it. It just feels like they sell the browser in same mood as pyramid schemers does their products.
But its just my gut feeling. Got no good reason why people should avoid the browser. And because the CEO is an ass isn’t a good enough reason for most people.
Im a big fan of “you can either pay me to fix this issue, or fix it yourself” model. Nobody should be pressured to maintain a open source project once they’re done with it themselves.