Theres a difference between nsfw memes and joke/shitpost content, and straight up porn though. Thats why i just have different accounts for different purposes, and on my main block porn as it comes up.
Theres a difference between nsfw memes and joke/shitpost content, and straight up porn though. Thats why i just have different accounts for different purposes, and on my main block porn as it comes up.
I mean i guess you must be pretty competent with an abacus then in case you ever get stuck somewhere where they wont let you ise a calculator? Your argument that people should spend time becoming proficient with inferior tools just because they are tools doesn’t really hold up. If something gets the job done better and more efficiently it makes the other tools obsolete. Thats the nature of technology.
But being stuck using windows when its not the right tool for the job is like having to use a pickaxe when you could be using q jackhammer, only the idiots in procurement don’t like power tools.
Take you just as long and cost you twice as much in gas! Woo power.
Its for when you get too many cerebral traumas and cant get yourself out of bed to use the washroom any longer.
Hopefully .world will serve as a quarantine instance for all the cringe-ass former redditors who love strawmen and reductionism and lame as fuck sayings like “tankie triad” and “narwhal bacon”
Ah okay i misunderstood. Regardless there were far more harmful things influencing everyone in the 70s than nicotine, like the thousands of toxic additives and carcinogens in secondhand smoke, or the lead in the paint and the gasoline.
I mean sure, nicotine is technically a psychoactive drug. But so is caffeine and theobromine, so should we stop giving kids chocolate? Ban all coffee shops? Honestly not sure what your point is here. Everything is drugs, at least a little.
“Haha other languages are so funny, i love being ignorant its the best”
Leon Kums
I cant speak for everyone but for me it depends on the day which one itll be.
Maybe your blue light filter isnt as strong? Or your screen is brighter at lowest brightness? I literally said I could see a clear difference with normal settings, how do you jump straight to “oh i must have a better phone than that guy” lol. Kinda sad.
I had the blue light filter maxed on my phone and the brightness all the way down and they looked the same. Turning the brightness up made them slightly distinct, and turning the blue light filter off i could see a clear difference.
Theft is when you use your own labor to foster the natural resources that grow on this planet and don’t give the pwner class their cut.
Nobody ever wins arguments, thats why ive mostly stopped having them. Sometimes, with a lot of long and patient DISCUSSIONS you can maybe bring someone around to seeing your point of view, but in an argument all sides just end up thinking the other is an asshole.
I thought the netflix remake series was actually really good. But yeah the movie was terrible.
This is dumb. If the students actually did this, one of them would definitely end up shooting up the rest. Everyone knows you keep the vest on until the ceremony is over and you’re safely home.
None of the images in the posted link show any kind of right wing thinking, simply him responding to right wing ideas, often more thoughtfully than alot of people would. Whoever that max person is might have been a close friend, in which case any leftist knows you sometimes have to temper your arguments to try to gradually get through to people. Even the architecture thing, hes talking about how material conditions have shaped and caused the “oppressiveness” that carlson calls out, whereas tucker is claiming its intentionally designed to make people miserable or some shit.
This is dumb in a lot of ways but ill pick the most glaring two. Firstly no marxist would consider a CEO working class. Secondly Luigi clearly read a ton of books.
These are a little more than character defects… theres lots of historical figures who didn’t rape and murder.