I have no eyelids and I must sleep
I have no eyelids and I must sleep
It’s not very gory compared to his (Junji Ito’s) other works but man, the psychological horror is what does it for me
spear blunts after a hunt
intense urge to resharpen it immediately
Damn he lost weight
Genius, this will save me lots of laundry
You wouldn’t happen to have tested whether by the 5th day the normal configuration reverts back to being usable?
Like Plato allegedly said: “The unexamined life is not worth living”
Nah the worst is either manjaro or ubuntu for ideological reasons
All systems copy the kernel into RAM before running. It needs something to store the kernel/OS when it’s off so some kind of non-volatile storage like hard disk/usb disk is needed
Computer is a stretch. It’s usually called a microcontroller or system on a chip. It works off 1.8V input voltage and so will run off a USB supply. Raspberry pi which is a computer is called System on a board.
Arch user won’t even have a language pack if he doesn’t install it
No thanks but I don’t drink
I accept Pudu as my lord and saviour
Like some alcohol based cleaning agent
(wistful sigh) They just don’t know how to objectify women nowadays
Is it related to Wile eCoyote?
Honestly I miss these kinds of stands in JoJo. They are just uncanny and terrifying enough. Some of the stands in part 5 and most in part 6 are so out there, I didn’t like them
I’ll stick to my loincloth just as it sticks to me. Really helps bring out the free thinker in people
The Beatless