Not technical support anymore
It’s worse than in the Netherlands??? I thought the Netherlands had a higher population density than the UK which would correlate with housing prices, but I guess something else is going on there.
Why’d you stay?
Easy: it’s not first pass the post or “winner takes all”. You have more variety in your parties and thus voters can identify more accurately with one. Of course there is still the problem of counting votes that isn’t solved, as people can still vote more strategically instead of ideologically (“I’ll vote for that party, because it’s more likely to win against the big party I dislike”).
Money cannot control every ideology.
Users when presented with any interface.
Republicans: the real snowflakes
Happened during COVID haven’t kept up with Mozilla news since.
Meanwhile Mozilla: fires 200 workers to pay the CEO 2M :)
Hahaha so true! That video convinced me to stop voting.
Replace it with “average 4chan user” and that’s about it. 4chan users can’t deal with a different opinion and can only respond in “woke” or some version of “faggot”. They devolved from being able to banter about stuff to snowflakes.
Not even start it, all you have to do is vote for it.
How do you know somebody’s American without meeting them first?
You hear them.
Displace those people who have even less than us on another continent where we can’t see or hear their suffering while we buy the next iPhone.
I bet you these people will keep buying new phones and things made from what’s gained from the mines.
I just gave up. That money was wasted. It’s a pity they don’t make it co-op
Humans are animals
Would be hilarious if the picture there were also AI generated (it sure does look like it to me).