I mean… if it was enough to cover a stamp and I was the post office worker, I’d be a bro about it.
I mean… if it was enough to cover a stamp and I was the post office worker, I’d be a bro about it.
Ok look I will fully admit that I didn’t notice that, nor did I notice the fetus wired up to drop out of the anus, but I think you’re making some assumptions here about intelligence/horniness. I was distracted by the myriad questions that arose when considering the prospect of a glass belly to monitor pregnancy. What would it be shaped like? Would it just be a little TV screen like a Tellytubby? A porthole like the windows on SpongeBob’s house? Would it just be a big old solid Buddha belly but made of glass? Or maybe some space age tech that lets it flex like a foldable phone. Also, would people be born like that or would the glass belly form upon becoming pregnant? There’s just so many logistics to consider here…
The smoke is gathering at the top of the frame like that because the building has an overhang at the entrance. Presumably the security camera that caught the footage in the article you linked is mounted on the overhang.
I like the version of this meme where the item at the bottom is some kind of mint soap and the cavemen are chanting “MINTY BALLS! MINTY BALLS!”
Using a Lindsey Graham quote would be cheating…
Uhh… could someone remind me of the symptoms of a stroke?
If someone gave him a MAGA version of the Hamburglar hat he’d 100% wear it and think the internet was laughing with him, not at him.
To be fair I never looked into it whether or not that was school policy, but I do know that Phys. Ed. credit was required. My gym teacher at the time was the type to have us running track while sitting on a lawn chair and munching McD’s breakfast, so he could have just been an asshole.
I was a fat kid. If you failed, you couldn’t get Phys. Ed. credit which was required coursework. They made you redo the test until you passed. The only other way out was a medical exemption. I eventually passed, damn near keeling over from the pain my lungs were in from running the mile. It made me resent my gym teacher and cardio, so in hindsight it was a pretty shitty way to encourage physical fitness. I didn’t get not fat until I was like 19.
Much better to just post an archive link. Lemmy’s not really big enough to garner this kind of attention yet, but copying article text wholesale is a good way to get DMCA claimed and that’s not fair to do to instance admins.
Yeah… I don’t like when it happens, but I’m not too proud to admit they got me.
Yeah for sure. I’m no expert by any means, but I can talk through what I did.
I used the instructions directly from their code repository: https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/#one-step-automated-install (I used option 1, the automated install). I did this on an old RPi2B that I had laying around.
After I set up the pi, I got its MAC address. I used this to set a static IP address in my router settings. This is important to make sure the pi keeps the same IP at all times. Then, also in my router settings, I set the DNS server to be the pi’s static IP address.
After all that was done, I just plugged the pi into a dedicated power supply and rebooted the router.
The ads still appear in the facebook feed but clicking them results in a “this site could not be found” or similar error, is how I understood it to work. I know the PiHole basically makes it so the routes from “whateveradwebsite.com” end up not resolving to an IP address. I’m not sure how FB is serving them; so the text/image content might be coming from an FB server and the link is just an ad URL with a bunch of tracking info on it.
My retired parents live with me. I went ahead and put a PiHole on our home wifi. A day later my mother was literally complaining that she couldn’t click on ads on facebook. I told her those are ads and they track her and she says “well everyone likes to use the internet how they like to use it… can you put it back the old way? I want to look at these shoes”. Can’t fucking win.
Hmm… neat. Thanks for sharing.