that is actually the reason I chose direct support from the developers is cool
that is actually the reason I chose direct support from the developers is cool
this is unironically good advice lol
I once made a meme responding to one like this on reddit, I had a fight in be comments with the creator of the other meme, but they deleted their account, so I can’t find the original one
don’t worry guys, he’s not weird, he’s just italian (“trombare” is often synonimous with fuck)
in some sense we already use technology that makes use of a subjective reality
because of quantum mechanics the universe can’t be locally real, therefore quantum technologies would fulfill that requirement in my opinion
if that’s the case, we already use technology based on subjective reality all the time. quantum mechanics is the basis for how some transistors work, utilizing quantum tunneling
I love autism, the world is a better place because of it
absolutely true, libraries should get more funding, not more damages
from that same bluesky account I found this, I love it
update: the bluesky user changed their username from punchingcats to kickingcats, I changed the link accordingly
it is possible if you get enough time to think of every word, you just need to to find synonims so you don’t write specific letters, often needing to switch both words/speech style
(it’s very difficult though, I’ve been writing this comment for 5 to 10 minutes)
ExperTtrout9232 mentioned 🔥🔥🔥
I see Saddam Hussein
in case anyone else was wondering after looking at this meme, I don’t think roblox has actually died, their website is the same as always
in theory this is true, but if we found a delay we might be able to better study the process of entanglement and collapse of the wavefunction
the problem is I have important stuff in there
me too, I’d like to switch distros now that I know more about linux, but I don’t want to risk it
I should wait until I get a new computer I think
windows user detected, opinion rejected
stop the train and run for your life, don’t let them get to you
also you’d never lose that game where a coin is shuffled beneath 3 glasses