One example is same sex couples. There is absolutely no reason for them to not have the same rights as opposite sex couples other than religion.
Literally there are many aspects that were/are the way they are because of religion.
One example is same sex couples. There is absolutely no reason for them to not have the same rights as opposite sex couples other than religion.
Literally there are many aspects that were/are the way they are because of religion.
But that’s exactly why religion should be banned from politics, literally you explained why.
Being homosexual is not a belief, we exist, and so we deserve rights.
Religion is a belief, the things that religion teaches are based on stories that one can decide to belive or not.
No one is suggesting the perscution of anything. And the ban is just for public places. If people want to adore whatever mythical creature, they can do it a home, but that mythical creature dont get to dictate how others should act.
Religion is ideology and culture that has caused friction for many years now. Thats the whole point of removing it.
The free will of women wearing the hijab comes from fear of gOd and social pressure of being impure. No person on its right mind would choose to wear it.
The customers are not fucking over the wait staff, the owners are.
Now imagine if you combine the middle of a nut and the end of a shit
Pooping (lots of less than symbols) Getting penetrated.
Just sayin
What can I get your wife to do for 20 bucks?
We have communal showers at work and I have seen the guy with the biggest truck in the company in the showers. I can confirm the tiny penis.
Ah, yes, let’s allow women to be forced to cover all of their bodies, that’s the right step
There are countries where lgbt rights are respected, women rights are respected, etc. These countries are not muslism nor islamic countries. Dont come here acting like west culture or western European countries are the problem. No wonder people in islamic/Muslim countries are so desperate to come to the west. I know a lot of muslisms just want to live their lifes, but the majority just want to bring their sexist and homophobic ideals with them, so good thing that countries are implementing laws to stop this.
A lot of these photos are from west europe.
Ah, yes, let’s allow women to be forced to cover all of their bodies, that’s the right step
I haven’t actually, do you have reliable sources on that?
The whole point of the converstation is to ban religion from political decisions, which yes, it would fix that.