Paul also pulled out of his ass all the insane bullshit that modern evangelical Christianity is based around. “Yeah, uh, God hates gays, and women, and also loves the Roman Empire that killed Jesus.”
Paul also pulled out of his ass all the insane bullshit that modern evangelical Christianity is based around. “Yeah, uh, God hates gays, and women, and also loves the Roman Empire that killed Jesus.”
Guy’s dead, no evidence either way, so asserting that’s wrong is about as baseless as asserting it’s right. Things like that are far from unheard of.
I would edit it to say:
The precise reason why the solution has always been total replacement of the system with direct democracy. From within or without.
I have some faith that we’d see the economic outcomes we want with direct votes for measures vs. votes for politicians, due to the amount of involvement required.
Congress has the power to impeach him and remove him from office. Of course, like the last 10 or so war criminal presidents of the U.S., they don’t. Likewise, the courts have the power to neuter his presidency - and had the power to put him in prison - but don’t, and didn’t.
The precise reason why the solution has always been total system replacement. From within or without.
They love their government contracts.
Not quite what I mean. The way that control is orchestrated between the whole apparatus for the moves of the machine to function synchronously (media support of wars, wars happening in a way that benefits the largest companies, etc.).
For example, the way that even CNN seems to just be reading from a script re: manufacturing consent for the Palestinian genocide. It’s beyond something like “they’ll lose their White House press credentials if they don’t play nice”.
I do think the behavior of the system definitely suggests central management instead of any, like, uncoordinated class interest behavior. But at the end of the day, if you fix the structural problems, it doesn’t even matter.
I’ve been using the term “fascist” to describe Democrats for quite some time, because really looking closely at the definitions/characteristics of fascism and how this society works - you have this economically and structurally enforced racial supremacy, you have the nationalism, the militarism, the merger of business and state - the fact that Democrats pay lip service to leftism doesn’t really change it. Democrats haven’t really changed in the last two years, rather, the genocide of Palestine just laid bare who they were for us.
Funny how they find themselves on the same side as Republicans and Zionists - blaming the Palestinians for their own genocide. Different path to get there, but the same destination.
Can’t even hear her talking with the song but there’s a good basic idea here. Rice milk (or even cooked and mashed rice), coconut milk, also oat milk (?), maple syrup, cinnamon, vanilla, heated up. Real winter drink.
I think RAMs or similar win in that category by being as actively harmful as possible. And having the huge blindspot where you run over kids without noticing.
Hollywood can get bent, we need open source culture
~12% for a widely speculated upon stock, not really.
Lemonade in particular is very low % juice. Dunno exactly but probably above 10% it starts tasting too strong.
Food safety regulations don’t ban dilution.
Honestly, there’s some HFCS bullshit, but mostly storebought lemonade seems to be just lemon juice and cane sugar.
Brainwashers and brainwashees. Brainwashers are traitors.