Stupid time! You made me look bad. Ooga booga booga!
Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.
Stupid time! You made me look bad. Ooga booga booga!
As if it could be so easy. I’ll take the mountains of skulls and roaring plains of gore over whatever the fuck it is that’s going on now. Mere demons are simple, and are vulnerable to your shotgun.
I think James May got there quicker. The first episode of his Cars Of The People miniseries explores (in part) the driving idea behind the Beetle and its origin, including its proceeds funding the Nazi war machine.
If it appeared to turn on just by opening it, it wasn’t off in the first place. It was in sleep.
Your system integrator may have disabled it for some damn fool reason by default, probably to make it appear that the machine “boots” faster if the user is bamboozled into never truly turning it off. But if you have administrator access you can always turn the option back on.
You totally can, on every computer I’ve ever owned running Windows since NT (and most running some variant of Linux). The only reason it would not be there is if some turkey disabled it in Group Policy for some reason. The power button offers you power off, restart, suspend, and hibernate if you have hibernation enabled.
The ones that could walk up sheer cliff faces?
Acktshully, for what it’s worth, Daggerfall (1996) also had horses. From what I recall they were considerably less janky than Oblivion ones, and definitely less so than the Skyrim ones. It probably helped that there were in fact no hills in Daggerfall; the land was mathematically flat.
Anyone who is planning shenanigans and doesn’t take phasing or teleportation is asking for it. Sooner or later some government entity or another is going to try to put you in some kind of prison and you’d better have an escape card. Especially if you also take immortality. If you’re immortal and some asshole Cask of Amontillados you, you’re going to be pissed off about it forever.
And is “divine powers” just a free combo deal of magic, invisibility, and immortality?
And almost certainly so that uncoordinated users don’t slice the insides of their cheeks.
So is lobsters and crabs.
Eating them anyway, though.
Perennial camping-stuff manufacturer Light My Fire do indeed make a Knork, which is the first example that leapt to my mind. They may call it a “spork” but the fork end has a (butter-grade) knife edge machined into one side of it. As an added bonus, you get a whole entire unmolested spoon on the other end, too. Anyone who is cool enough to count would surely get the titanium version, which may just barely achieve enough rigidity to actually cut anything.
I used to have one but I lent it to somebody for a camping trip – damned if I remember who – and never got it back. Oh well.
Well, I can at least claim that I can legitimately claim an oft-unused spot on this diagram through being one of the probably select few who has ever put an edge on a spoon.
Look, some of us have a brand to maintain, you know?
Also, perhaps now is a good time to dredge up this.
That sounds like the 48" Miele. If so, hang on to it. That son of a bitch currently retails for $17,599.
No, that is not a typo.
Much more realistic that we’d intentionally spend $40 on a specialty roll of filament to have the right color and finish for that one specific print. See, I’m totally saving money! Right after I print, like, nine more of these!
Yeah? You should see the kind of crap my vendors are always trying to do to me. If anything the owe me big time anyhow.
Yes. The 1.0 release was in November. That Ondsel fork in your video was based on, I believe, the 0.22 version.
The 1.0 release actually prompted Ondsel to shut down entirely, as they are now largely redundant and attempting to monetize a FOSS program was probably doomed from the start anyway…
Not really. You can print it out of ABS easily enough if that’s a concern, given that there is a good chance that is what the knob on any given residential range or oven is likely to have been made out of by the factory anyway.
As a matter of fact, since this is directly in my wheelhouse (not that wheelhouse, the other one) vis-a-vis both 3D printing and whitegoods, let’s take a look.
Being in the unique position to be able to do so, I grabbed a knob off of a random smattering of ranges. Here’s what I found from the ones that didn’t require taking them apart further to find the markings or scraping at them with a knife or something (hey, there’s the other wheelhouse):
PBT has a pretty similar melting point to ABS at ~235° C. With ABS it’s complicated, but I print ABS at 260° C for what it’s worth. PET is also typically given around 260-270. So these are all pretty similar to each other.
TL;DR: You should be fine with ABS.
No, it doesn’t.
The recent 1.0 release is actually very good. It is probably better at this point than some of the entry level commercial options and most importantly compared to those is not intentionally hobbled in any way.
The time for everyone to stop parroting how “everyone knows” that FreeCAD is unusable is… now. You can go ahead and delete that one; it’s time to learn a new soundbyte.
You can format a flash drive with whatever the hell file system you want. Just, don’t expect anything formatted exFAT to work in any dedicated device made before 2019, nor even the majority of them made afterwards.
The ones who need to get their shit together are the manufacturers of printers, media players, car head units, set top boxes, game consoles, and all the other things into which you might want to insert a flash drive (or memory card) that is not a full-blown PC.