No. Life as you must be, though.
No. Life as you must be, though.
Yeah, that’s why you got downvoted to shit… because it does not say what you’re claiming it does.
You didn’t. You said some bullshit about how many nodes there are.
You did not say that. That’s why you got downvoted to hell. Since you can’t be honest, I’m done here.
There doesn’t need to be. My argument is not bullshit, you just don’t understand the differences between blockchain and a standard database and are pretending you do which makes the argument impossible for you to understand.
Are you dense, man? No one said that. They’re saying that one blockchain would take several hundred DBs to equal its energy use. You’re wrong and doubling down for some reason and it’s just making you look silly.
We’re not comparing millions of DBs to a single blockchain. We’re comparing 1 DB to 1 blockchain instance. If you had millions of blockchains, you would use exponentially more energy for the same data vs. a normal database. Updating tables is not the same thing as hashing and validating every prior entry in the table.
The only person here who doesn’t know what they’re talking about is you. If you took a standard DB (MySQL or Postgres, for example) and took that same information and stored it on a blockchain instead, you’d use far more energy on the blockchain and the issue would only get exponentially worse as the chain got bigger. Normal DBs don’t need to hash new entries or validate them against previous entries that are also hashed.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a gesture-based keyboard that worked well. Got any examples?
I think people would learn to move out of the way at that point or just use Siri to respond. That felt very much like a “first-time” faux pas when he stops on the stairs.
You don’t even understand blockchain so I’m not sure what your edit is all about. You’re comparing blockchain to a database in your replies as if they’re comparable.
DBs are not the same as a blockchain. A DB doesn’t have to hash all previous data before it every time the DB is written to. You can read and write to a specific spot in a DB without ever knowing anything else about the DB. With blockchain, inserts have to be successive and they have to reference every previous insert to validate that the entry series is unbroken. On top of that, for things like Bitcoin, every other client also has to validate it since the ledger is shared.
There’s a reason blockchain is significant. Otherwise, why didn’t stuff like Bitcoin exist prior to it? Databases, in some for or another, have existed for decades. Blockchains are immutable, that’s why. The order of entries matters and validation is a requirement.
100%. Capitalism is great until it reaches a peak where people who provide no value except in the wealth they’ve amassed are the ones who gain the most from it. You can succeed simply by being born with wealth and having no other value because other people who do have value will need you.
The nodes aren’t the issue. It’s the fact that those nodes have to expend at least the same amount of energy every single time a record is added and the larger the ledger, the more energy is needed. Blockchain is somewhat unique in that regard.
I feel like taco is too specific and that there is a better word that covers tacos and submarines. I just can’t come up with the word…
I just questioned this elsewhere and am in full agreement. Should be a pie.
Is a pie a type of quiche or did the OP choose too narrowly? Is a quiche a type of pie? Should they be reversed?
No it didn’t. Quiche is open on one end. Sushi is open on 2.
…did he get his prize?
I’m pretty sure that the bat is photoshopped in. Her hand position doesn’t look like it’s actually holding anything.