Ah, an inferiority complex That explains it.
Ah, an inferiority complex That explains it.
You’re splitting hairs and missing the point, your reading comprehension seems to be wanting and you are condescending as fuck.
If we’re suggesting possible future organisations, I’m with you about a global authority, but I want it to be run and maintained by some sort of artificial intelligence. There are currently no humans that I can think of that cannot fall victim to their own desires and become corrupt when faced with power. Just take that worry completely out of the equation. I would like to think at the point that we have that level of AI, that that technology will have already found solutions to a lot of our current global problems.
Until then your proposal is sound!
I disagree, it is very useful to show how the tentacles of it are actually everywhere. It is the mechanism of it that is the bigger problem. The mindset of action disconnected from philosophy is the true battleground, before intent is even part of the conversation. I believe the whitewashing of fascism is a much bigger problem than the efficacy of the term; people understand they don’t want fascism in their lives, so if you point out and are able to show how insidious and ever pervasive it is in their own lives, and how they probably have been educated to overlook it; it is very useful. A bunch of scoffing conservatives and their apologists should not dictate the language used.
My comment was more about the knee-jerk reaction to new ideas and new ways of looking at things you may think you are already familiar with.
So in reality they inherently have many fascistic elements that are unavoidable is what you’re actually saying. On paper everything looks like roses.
Governments are inherently fascistic entities. Ruling by so-called democratic majority excludes too many, even when you pretend that the way propaganda works doesn’t completely extinguish the concept of democracy. We are all living in a conservative socioeconomic reality that for the most part has many many, many many fascistic elements.
A lot of people in the comments can’t seem to make the distinction between what they have been fed since they were little and that they are used to, and what is good, or tastes good.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Being ok with being conservative is akin to being ok with being stupid. It’s basically an admission of idiocy.
Jesus, what a mind job.