Right there with you my trashy panda
Right there with you my trashy panda
Can’t speak for anyone else, but my personal gripes are the horrendous ux design, basically unusable keyboard shortcuts that cannot be customized, never being predictable with what devices it uses. On top of that, being a Linux user makes it even worse, mostly because it’s not a native app, but some monstrous electron garbage.
That shit piece of software is incompatible with every single operating system, it doesn’t even work properly on windows.
If you needed additional proof that fines are just the cost of their business model, this is it.
The nostalgia is strong in this one, I love these discoveries.
Sweet, maybe I can roll back all the way to windows XP now /s
Good, break up that boring monotonous pattern.
Afaik it refers to the bacteria being treatment resistant. Usually penicillin resistant bugs are classified as super.
Probably a fancy napkin ring
Haven’t used Google search for years.
You got to have some admiration for whoever screwed in the bolts that hold the bike up.
When you buy something you should have the right to repair it and modify it.
Currently, everything is basically a renters agreement, where you pay for something you have zero rights to modify or opt out of.
This one always make me laugh.
It really says a lot about how far the web has come (good or bad). We used to navigate it, these days we browse it.
There’s no such thing as US specific on the Internet. Every law made concerning online presence anywhere will have at least a limited impact on the Internet as a whole.
It’s specifically capitalism driven by GDP. Capitalism is bad but adding GDP is like removing any ethic and moral compass.
Personally I just put my bank card inside my phone cover. Maybe not as fancy as NFC payment, but does the job.
Couldn’t agree more. At first when I read it, I was like “wow”, the my logical brain did a re-read and I was like “doubt”.