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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2022


  • I’m afraid that you’re right, and that the US will become more Texas-like as a result. It’s too oil-addicted to say no. Their transition efforts show that they expect to continue consuming high levels of oil for at least the next few decades. They’re just going to keep sending more money to Texas to open up more wells, which Texas will then use to influence national policy and prevent attempts to properly transition and build resiliency for the future. A dangerous feedback loop - especially when most major nations are trying to get away from oil reliance. Even the Saudis have started diversifying in preparation. But I guess the US made its bed, and now it must lie in it.

  • This reminds me of the book Ministry for the Future. People see things like wet bulb temperatures exceeding survivability and say it’s just like the book. I’m like, forget the book, this is collapse and it’s real life.

    I think “Go read studies on real events if you want to know more, fiction is no match for reality in these matters.” And it worries me because in the book there’s a deus ex machina where market reform saves the world… which is entirely unrealistic for the scenario. In fact, I worry we’ve already mistaken a fantasy for reality.