Unions exist for 1 reason and 1 reason only. To look out for its members wellbeing and bottom line.
When 60% of union members support a candidate that doesn’t support unions they are free to not endorse one at all.
lol I’ve been squatting a couple of domains since 2001, my day will come!!!
I hate the fact that I use meta but I hate musky boi more so that’s how I justify it
Liberating them from nazi occupation
Fun fact, 10:10 is the default time most photographers take photos of a clock/watch to help display all the logos and things a watch face has to offer!
If you properly open up the flower of life you can clearly see that hydrogen and protons have same bivrashuns in the ether, which clearly shows you that after applying the Freddy Kruger effect
1 x 1 = 2 mayne
Elon can buy his way to an outcome of his liking when there are corrupt politicians, but he got something else coming to him if he think he can bully a country where they value the power of the working class.
Soon enough you’ll be arrested for knowing Navalny or going to school with him 40 years ago. How crippling to have such a fragile ego smdh…
They are desperate to get warm bodies for prisoner exchanges.
Biden is having way too much fun with this and I abso-fucking-lutletly love it
Apologies but due to record profits we don’t have any money left for raises this year!
No social media outrage? Smh
What’s crazy is that even tho I hate this shitweasel I didn’t throw away all the Goya shit I had at home or burn it in a pit out back.
Elon is going to go thermonuclear on whatever this is. He has no tolerance for common sense or laws intended for the greater good.
Yep, came here to comment on the fact that we don’t care what the EU thinks, we need a word from the experts!!!
Honestly, given the current state of affairs I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The little time these turds spend attacking the site I call my mental health break from the madness.
Fun fact, if I were to inherit the wealth of a billionaire family member who was shot in public I’d get philanthropic real fast!