1 every 5 years?? Yeah, ok, Mr. Popular.
1 every 5 years?? Yeah, ok, Mr. Popular.
That someone has a job working for the railway? In the UK? And that they’re measuring distance in kilometres? Now, that would be interesting.
As mandated in their invisible job description
I’ve got the worst fucking insurance company
“including business founders, CEOs” - Oh, well, that’s ok then. There was nothing to worry about, after all.
Exactly. It’s almost impossible to imagine anything about AI being ‘good’ because so little of any real substance is permitted to work for ‘good’.
It’ll work for profit, just like everything else.
In a roundabout way, that is the best thing to do in MK
I mean, I can’t account for taste, but I wouldn’t say that tweet didn’t mean anything.
Hollering, “this whole thing smacks of gender” sounds like something you might hear at 4th of July barbecue. As a drunk, aggressive family member gets told by another that he, “really shouldn’t say things like that anymore”.
I could continue the imaginary dialogue, but I hope you get the point. Perhaps, I read into it more than it deserved, but I didn’t see it as totally meaningless or indecipherable.
Is that not why he’s on such a mission to increase birth rates?
Such a bad idea, in so many ways.
It seems likely to me that ‘pop’ music won’t be created by people. As a result, people won’t be made famous through music anymore, the cult of celebrity will move on to be more era-appropriate.
I mean, this only happened in the first place because it was extremely profitable to sell lots of records/concert tickets. That doesn’t seem to be the case now.
So, if pop music has been manufactured to sell an image to impressionable people, there’s little incentive to do that these days. It’s surely more lucrative to fund an influencer than a ‘musician’.
Seriously, thanks so much for posting that. Every now and again it’s reassuring to hear someone put into words exactly what I fail to articulate. And so well articulated, too.
The fact that this was written before the enshittening of reddit really adds weight to the arguments within. I sigh and chef-kiss at the same time, if you can visualise that.
Now I have to go back and remove my reduce. I guess some quotation marks might have helped avoid the confusion, but thanks for clearing it up!
Might have been more apt if they’d written “recognised”, instead.