Ever go hiking?
On a trail, where you are not subjected to anybody else’s noise for more than a second as they pass you by?
You’re skiing down a slope and a person is skiing next to you with a Bluetooth speaker?
Sit in a park?
Outdoors, where you can put some distance between yourself and them?
Maybe it’s hard to conceive of for some, but the world shouldn’t be shielded by headphones.
You’re right, it’s already shielded by air. The air that you can put between yourself and the other person.
The point was regardless of whatever they’re doing, you are only as subject to their poor behavior as you choose to be.
If you’re not going to do something about it (and please tell me what you would actually do about this beyond complaining on the internet), then your only other choice is mitigation, which involves just keeping headphones with you to block out other people’s noise or learn to find more peaceful spaces.
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