My bad… I guess I figured people could digest 3 lines of text without it being pasted over meme template
My bad… I guess I figured people could digest 3 lines of text without it being pasted over meme template
The button on the left should say “adults aged 18-35 are buying less ____ because of ethical concerns/recent health findings/changing values/rising CoL/better alternatives (pick one)” and the bottom panel should say “clickbait journalists”
I’m probably showing my age here, but not much in that banner really feels antique to me. Vintage memes for sure, but most of those are still in active circulation.
Gotcha, so it’s just an emotional appeal based on word choice, rather than attacking the real issues problems with the rental market…
That one just makes me sad and angry. I try not to judge people, but I would judge the shit out of someone for doing that IRL.
How is this not believable lol? You act like renting is some kind of degradation and owning is some kind of release from slavery.
Lots of things about home ownership suck donkey balls, and there are lots of benefits to renting. I’ve done both for significant chunks of my adult life, and while my life situation is currently such that I prefer owning my place, I can absolutely see myself opting to rent under certain circumstances.
It’s just a really weird passive phrasing that implies it was your home before the landlord bought it.
It’s more like they bought a house and then you rented it, at which point it becomes your home.
(Not that the former never happens, I just don’t think the meme was calling out a relatively niche situation.)
There are so many things to criticize about the housing market that it’s weird to rely on tricks of language rather than factual arguments. Like, “Renting out property that you own, and complaining about the upkeep required to keep it rentable” is much more accurate but not as memeable I guess.
The theory I’ve heard is that people on reality TV shows would do this so the mics could pick up their conversations better. So naturally, brainless idiots without an original thought in their dense godforsaken skulls people who watch those shows started doing it in real life too because they saw popular people doing it on TV.
It’s just a theory, but it seems plausible because it’s clearly not how phones were designed to function on speakerphone or otherwise.
I think what snor is saying is that the “hatted” 1 prevents mistaking it for an I when there are numerals and letters in the same context.
Not sure if zoomer or just confused boomer
He has a name… smdh
‘fuck, I fucking love
coleslawTrack_Shovel’ said no one ever.
The current “stock photo meme” fad is about as interesting as a “K-Mart clothes” themed costume party.
Even as irony, it’s boring.
I mean, he did write about his miscarriage in a webcomic that was just goofy pop-nerd humor up to that point, which is the entire reason it became a meme.
If people are sending the dude loss comics on the anniversary, that’s a little fucked up because it’s being used as a personal attack. Which is 100% not the case with the typical loss meme.
Tl;dr I don’t think the guys needs people white knighting for him every time a loss meme is born.
Dude’s here talking about how much he hates the idea of a meme, on a meme sub.
I’ll take “the literal definition of a meme, which is coincidentally also the name of the sub I am currently commenting on” for $800, Alex.
First off, you’re a liar. Not a single person on earth has never had their transaction rejected.
I think this situation is a lot less common than you think.
More to the point, use a debit card if that is your gripe. Then you can just deal with an empty account rather than a declined card.
Just like you’ve never had crypto stolen, I’ve never had a debit card stolen, so by our combined anecdotes both are equally secure.
I’ve never been unable to make a payment using my credit card therefore your anecdote is invalid.
The big one for me is drag/drop, copy/paste, saving of emails and attachments between Outlook and the rest of Windows/Office is completely borked.
I have to keep both versions open at work to keep from going completely insane.