ratt can do this with some lua and css selectors: https://git.sr.ht/~ghost08/ratt
ratt can do this with some lua and css selectors: https://git.sr.ht/~ghost08/ratt
They have at least little tendency to participate in chemical reactions.
Only eating noble gases.
Or the mad king will feel insulted.
Improve like: quit you stressing job.
You can also come to the conclusion that eating humans is okay haha. I joke, of course.
It did cross my mind, but i won’t be declaring myself food, so this is easily dismissed. 😆
but worshipping our ecosystem just makes sense.
Or at minimum handing it over in good condition to the next generations, instead of wreaking everything left and right.
Free will is an interesting concept and I think the way it’s usually used is just wrong or misunderstandable. I don’t think there is a free will, but I get the sense there is some kind of will inside me and I have to find out what my inner self really wants, or better: needs. I think the freedom to pursue that inner will is what “free will” really means.
What i wanted to say is, that choice is an illusion.
It was a purely philosophical experience in which I lost all believe into gods and artificial distinctions between humans and other animals. I cannot come with any reason, why eating humans must be wrong, but eating a cow should be okay. So I decided, that harming either of them must be wrong and my ability for compassion had to extent further than my own species. There is no God to tell my how to be good. I have to decide for myself and I decided to inflict less harm on my fellow earthlings.
Also, there is no free will.
LSD made me vegan.
I somehow hoped for donut recipes.
Malicious compliance is a form of art.
Many videos require a login now, due to weird age restrictions. YouTube is becoming increasingly useless.
Who would have thought, that it would one day be a weapon against ai.
As a European I am astonished, that the article never mentions, or even questions, why this child had access to a loaded firearm.
The chatbot might be a horrible mess and shouldn’t be accessible by children, but a gun should be even less accessible to a child.
Why does a suicidal 14 year old have access to a gun?
I am a happy user of Spacemacs. Sacha Chua is awesome and also on the fediverse: https://social.sachachua.com/@sacha
This was a very satisfying read, thank you both. 🙂
Choose your favorite: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Hybrids_with_the_flag_of_Germany
I just made linux on the company laptop a requirement for me working at the current company. They told me, that I would have to install and maintain it myself, so I have Arch Linux on my company laptop. I like it a lot more than Debian, which I had to use at the previous company.
I have never used windows in a work environment so far.